Corrections and revisions

This page contains information about adjustments of figures published in StatLine.

The adjustments can consist of correction of errors or revisions based on improved methods of research or calculation. Adjustments that are part of a regular scheme of publication are not listed on this page.

All themes

Date Publication Reason

Corporate data; turnover developments (growing and declining ), SIC 2008

By adding annual figures, the quarterly figures for the entire series from 2012 onwards have also been recalculated. The figures may therefore differ slightly from the previously published figures because more information is now available and quality improvements have been implemented in the source data.
Frequency: quarterly, period: 2012 Q1 - 2024 Q4


Civil engineering works; Input price index 2020=100

The digits after the decimal point were incorrect due to a mistake while building the table. This has now been corrected.
Frequency: threemonthly, period: januari 2020 - januari 2025


Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption

This table has been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns changes of a maximum of a few PJ of the total supply and consumption on an annual basis.
Frequency: monthly, period: 1929- December 2024


Social security; key figures, number of benefits

Due to a recalculation of the annual average total number of disability benefits, the annual average for 2023 has been corrected.
Frequency: monthly, period: January 1998 - December 2024


Patent applicants and applications; SIC 2008 and company size

For applicants with the attribute 'unknown' (branches, company size and country of ultimate controlling institutional unit), no link is available with the General Business Register. In the past, links for these applicants were forwarded from other statistical years where a link was possible, but for the sake of consistency with the General Business Register, a link is only assigned if the company is actually listed in the General Business Register in the same year as the patent application. The change results in approximately 10 to 120 patent applicants per statistical year no longer being linked to the register and receiving the attribute ‘unknown’. These are mostly companies that are newly created and not yet included in the register or companies that have just ceased to exist in the same year that the patent application was registered. In recent years, there have also been changes to the PATSTAT source data for statistical years that have since been given a 'final' status. Patents may still have been added to the PATSTAT database with long delays, or they may have been removed from the database. This revision makes all statistical years consistent with the most recent PATSTAT source data which was made available at the end of 2024. The adjustment affects at most a few dozen patent applications per statistical year (increase or decrease).
Frequency: twiceyearly, period: 2013-2021


Patent applicants and patent applications; technology field

An error in the totals of the WIPO technology fields has been fixed. The numbers from the 'Handling' category were incorrectly assigned to the 'Chemistry' technology field instead of 'Mechanical Engineering'. In addition, in the StatLine table, the total for 'Mechanical Engineering' was shown under 'Handling materials; printing' and vice versa, causing the total for 'Mechanical Engineering' to be too low and for 'Handling' to be too high. As a result of this correction, the total for 'Chemistry' is revised downward by several dozen applicants and applications per statistical year, and around 250 patent applicants and 600 patent applications that were erroneously shown under 'Handling materials; printing' per statistical year are now put back under 'Mechanical Engineering'. In recent years, there have also been changes to the PATSTAT source data for statistical years that have since been given a 'final' status. Patents may still have been added to the PATSTAT database with long delays, or they may have been removed from the database. This revision makes all statistical years consistent with the most recent PATSTAT source data which was made available at the end of 2024. The adjustment affects at most a few dozen patent applications per statistical year (increase or decrease).
Frequency: twiceyearly, period: 2013-2021


Deaths; cause of death (extensive list), age and sex

For 2023 one death by 'Acute poliomyelitis (A80)' is moved to 'Sequelae of poliomyelitis (B91)'.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1996-2023


Foreign controlled enterprises in The Netherlands

The figures for R&D expenditures and R&D employees have been revised. Additionally, the unit for employed persons has been changed to thousands. Also a different method for calculating confidentiality has been applied, resulting in more data being available.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2022


Fixed capital formation; economic activity, region, National Accounts

The figures for fixed capital formation on regional level in reporting year 2015 were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication. The national figures for the Netherlands remain unchanged.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995-2022


Fixed capital formation; type of capital good, region, National Accounts

The figures for fixed capital formation on regional level in reporting year 2015 were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication. The national figures for the Netherlands remain unchanged.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995-2022


Education; education expenditure and CBS/OECD indicators

The figures for the period of 1995-2020 have been revised in the context of the revision policy of National accounts.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995 - 2023


Government; expenditure on education and student grants, loans since 1900

The figures for the period of 1995-2020 have been revised in the context of the revision policy of National accounts.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1900 - 2023


Public corporations; liabilities, controlling government sector

In the context of the revision policy of the National accounts the annual figures from 2017 have been revised, due to reclassification of corporations.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2017 - 2022


Regional key figures; National Accounts

The figures for GDP, GDP per capita and gross value added, as well as the volume changes of gross value added and GDP on regional level were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication. The national figures for the Netherlands remain unchanged.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995-2023


Economic growth; economic activity, region, National Accounts

The figures for the volume changes of gross value added in some branches, as well as the volume changes of total gross value added and GDP on regional level were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication. The national figures for the Netherlands remain unchanged.
Frequency: twiceyearly, period: 1996-2023


Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

The figures for output, intermediate consumption, gross value added and gross operating surplus on regional level were incorrect. This is corrected in this publication. The national figures for the Netherlands for output and intermediate consumption are also corrected, the other national figures remain unchanged.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995-2022


Electricity; production and means of production

Revised provisional figures for 2023 have been added. Figures for 2022 have been finalized. This table has been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns changes of less than 1 Petajoule in the total production of electricity and heat.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1998-2023


Research and development; key figures per implementation sector

In 2024 Statistics Netherlands carried out a revision of the national accounts. This revision affects the R&D intensity figures published in this table. Those figures have now been adjusted. Additionally, the provisional figures about 2023 have been published.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2013 - 2023


Caribbean Netherlands; migration, sex, age and country of birth

By using place of birth (municipality of birth) it was determined on which of the six islands someone was born in the (former) Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. That method has been applied in this table for all publication years (2011 to present).
Frequency: yearly, period: 2011 - 2023


Government expenditure and consumption; functions, transactions, sectors

The figures for the period of 1995-2021 have been revised in the context of the revision policy of National accounts.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995 - 2023


Electricity and heat; production and input by energy commodity

This table has also been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns changes of a maximum of a few PJ of the total production of electricity and heat.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1998-2023


Coal and coal products; indigenous production, imports, exports; from 1802

There were minimal deviations from the energy balance sheet over the period 2011-2019. That has been restored. Definite figures for 2022 and revised provisional figures for 2023 have been added.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1802 - 2023


Government; debt guarantees, off-balance PPP, non-performing loans

The figures for the period of 2010-2021 have been revised in the context of the revision policy of National accounts.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2010 - 2023


Government participation; public and private corporations

The figures for the period of 2012-2021 have been revised in the context of the revision policy of National accounts.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2012 - 2023


Caribbean Netherlands; labour participation, key figures

The number of self-employed for the reporting years 2020 and 2022 has been corrected. The correction concerns a slight upward revision of the number of self-employed persons. The cause was an error in the software that deduces whether someone is self-employed based on the answers in the questionnaire. As a result, for some records the position in the job remained unknown, whereas it should have been self-employed (with employees). This has now been corrected.
Frequency: twoyearly, period: 2012 - 2022


Caribbean Netherlands; labour participation, position in the household

The number of self-employed for the reporting years 2020 and 2022 has been corrected. The correction concerns a slight upward revision of the number of self-employed persons. The cause was an error in the software that deduces whether someone is self-employed based on the answers in the questionnaire. As a result, for some records the position in the job remained unknown, whereas it should have been self-employed (with employees). This has now been corrected.
Frequency: twoyearly, period: 2012 - 2022


Government balance sheet; assets and liabilities

In the context of the revision policy of the National accounts the annual figures from 1995 of the financial accounts of general government have been revised.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995 - 2023


Enterprises with innovation; key figures

The revised provisional figures about 2020-2022 have been published. In addition, in the periods 2016-2018 and 2018-2020, the figure on innovation co-operators accidentally included non-innovation related co-operation. As a result, said figure was too high. This has now been rectified and the correct figures have been published. The other figures for the aforementioned periods remain unchanged.
Frequency: twoyearly, period: 1994-2022


Caribbean NL; income inequality for private households

The figures for 2016 to 2020 have changed. For 2016 and later (more) complete registration declaration data are available. The correction leads to higher incomes, in particular for the working- and the wealthy population.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2011 - 2022


Caribbean NL; income of persons with income in private households

The figures for 2016 to 2020 have changed. For 2016 and later (more) complete registration declaration data are available. The correction leads to higher incomes, in particular for the working- and the wealthy population.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2011 - 2022


Caribbean NL; income of private households

The figures for 2016 to 2020 have changed. For 2016 and later (more) complete registration declaration data are available. The correction leads to higher incomes, in particular for the working- and the wealthy population.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2011 - 2022


Caribbean NL; purchasing power development persons in private households

The figures for 2016 to 2020 have changed. For 2016 and later (more) complete registration declaration data are available. The correction leads to higher incomes, in particular for the working- and the wealthy population.
Frequency: yearly, period: 2012 - 2022


Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 have been revised.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995 - 2023


Government; social benefits

In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 have been revised.
Frequency: yearly, period: 1995 - 2023
