Careers at CBS
At CBS, you will find committed people of different ages, nationalities, sexual preferences, fields of study and careers. Together, they have one goal: to work with professionalism on a dynamic organisation that is prepared for the future. CBS is a rapidly developing organisation that offers room for your ideas and knowledge.
Everyone is welcome at CBS. We want your talent to be of value in an environment where you can be yourself. This is not only good for you, but also good for us. After all, diversity brings new insights, knowledge and vision to the organisation.
View our job vacancies
Are you interested in a position at CBS? Take a look at our job vacancies and apply today!
CBS provides factual insight into what is happening in the Netherlands. It has grown into an innovative knowledge organisation, with continuous adoption of new technologies and developments in order to safeguard the quality of its data and its independent position. Every year, some 600 studies are conducted. Based on this independent and reliable information, important policy decisions are made in The Hague and Brussels, companies determine their strategy and journalists write their stories. But individual citizens also benefit from the results of our surveys. You can find all our information here on and in the StatLine database. Here you will find over 4 thousand tables with a total of around 14 billion figures.
Career development
The way we collect, process and publish data is constantly changing. This is why we put a lot of emphasis on knowledge enhancement and training of employees. Together with you, we determine in which direction you want to develop your career. We invest time and money in this, focussing not only on the short term but certainly also on your future. CBS offers adequate opportunities for career growth, both horizontal and vertical. You can advance to a different position, improve your skills in your current one or you can choose to specialise.

CBS Academy
CBS has its own knowledge centre: CBS Academy. It is available to all CBS staff. This is where you work on your personal and professional development.
Employment conditions
Curious about the employment conditions at CBS? Check them out here: employment conditions (in Dutch)
Handling sensitive data
CBS employees often work with highly confidential information. They are all required to sign a confidentiality agreement, in addition to taking an oath or pledge during an official gathering.
Independent position
Although CBS is predominantly funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, it is a completely independent knowledge institute. The Statistics Netherlands Act defines its tasks and guarantees its independence.