Calculation of rent increase


Would you like to know the rent increase for the residential or commercial space you are renting/leasing? You can calculate it here.

If your contract refers to a calculation using the consumer price index (CPI), you can use the calculation tool below. The CPI is published monthly by CBS.

The general provisions of your tenancy agreement should clearly state the formula for the annual rent increase calculation. If you use the calculation tool below, it is important to know whether a monthly index figure or an annual average is used.

Maximum rent increase private sector housing

The government has again capped rent increases for the year 2025. The following page has an overview of all applicable changes (Dutch only). The calculation tool below does not take these changes into account.

Rent index:

Unfortunately the increased rent cannot currently be calculated.
We hope to be back as soon as possible.
For urgent questions, call the CBS Infoservice: 088 570 7070.
Check your tenancy agreement (general provisions) to see which calculation method applies. Your tenancy agreement mentions the series used to calculate the rent increase. In most cases, this is ‘all households’ (alle huishoudens). In some cases, this is ‘employees low’ (werknemers laag).

Note: For calculations after 2002, the ‘employees low’ series does not apply because it has been discontinued. You can choose the ‘all households’ series in this case, even if your tenancy agreement mentions the ‘employees low’ series. For additional instructions about the calculation tool, go to How to use the Rent Increase Calculator (Dutch only).
Your tenancy agreement mentions the rent to be used as a basis: the rent paid most recently or the rent paid at the start of the contract (initial rent).
Does your tenancy agreement provide a calculation formula? Your agreement mentions whether the annual average or a monthly CPI figure will be used to calculate the rent increase. Below are some examples.

Example of applying monthly indexation:
A common calculation of the rent increase is based on the index figures of 4 and 16 calendar months prior to the effective date of the rent increase. If the effective date of the rent increase is 1 July 2023, you look at the month of March. In this case, you choose March 2023 in step 3 because this month is 4 months prior to the effective date of the rent increase.

Example of applying annual average:
Does your tenancy agreement include the annual average? If so, this is usually the most recent annual average. This means that in 2023 you index with the 2022 annual average. In step 3, you enter the 2022 annual average.
The CPI is calculated as the percentage change relative to the same period one year previously. In step 4, you therefore select the same period (month or annual average), but one year earlier than in step 3.

Example of applying monthly indexation:
Does your tenancy agreement include the formula using 4 and 16 months before the indexation date? If the effective date of the rent increase is 1 July 2023, you look at the month of March. In this case, you choose March 2022 in step 4 because this month is 16 months prior to the effective date of the rent increase.

Example of applying annual average:
Does your tenancy agreement include the annual average? If so, this is usually the most recent annual average. This means that in 2023 you index with the 2022 annual average. In step 4, you enter the 2021 annual average.
Does your tenancy agreement mention an older base year (e.g. 2006=100)? The base year is automatically determined based on the years chosen in steps 3 and 4. The base year does not affect the amount of the rent increase.

Example of applying monthly indexation:
The rent increase takes effect on 1 July 2023. Your tenancy agreement contains the formula using 4 and 16 months. You have chosen March 2023 in step 3 and March 2022 in step 4. The base year is 2015=100. Your rent increase will then be 4.4%.

Example of applying annual average:
The rent increase takes effect on 1 July 2023. Your tenancy agreement contains the CPI annual average. You have chosen the 2022 annual average in step 3 and 2021 annual average in step 4. The base year is 2015=100. Your rent increase will then be 10%.
New calculation

Calculation of new rent

The chosen CPI is not yet available.

The new rent will be:

Fill in the applicable rent without thousand separators (e.g.: 1,287.25 is written as 1287.25).

Percentage change =


PDF - How to use the Rent Increase Calculator (Dutch only)


Do you have any questions about your calculation? CBS Infoservice is available from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00, and on Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 at the following telephone number: +31 (0)88 570 70 70.


CBS is not in a position to comment on whether a certain indexation clause has been applied correctly or is not pursuant to statutory provisions or otherwise. CBS accepts no liability for any errors in the software used for the calculation tool and/or for errors during information transmission.