Electricity and heat; production and input by energy commodity

Electricity and heat; production and input by energy commodity

Central/decentral production Energy commodities Periods Gross production electricity and heat Total electricity and heat (TJ) (TJ) Gross production electricity and heat Electricity Electricity (MWh) (MWh) Gross production electricity and heat Electricity Electricity (TJ) (TJ) Gross production electricity and heat Electricity Electricity (%) (%) Gross production electricity and heat Heat (TJ) (TJ) Input (TJ) (TJ)
Total central/decentral production Total energy commodities 2022 592,628 121,572,850 437,662 100.0 154,966 764,547
Total central/decentral production Total energy commodities 2023** 580,793 121,342,015 436,831 100.0 143,962 667,851
Total central/decentral production Total fossil fuels 2022 364,181 66,737,291 240,254 54.9 123,927 558,965
Total central/decentral production Total fossil fuels 2023** 326,071 58,193,405 209,496 48.0 116,575 490,118
Total central/decentral production Natural gas 2022 281,672 47,742,663 171,874 39.3 109,798 392,217
Total central/decentral production Natural gas 2023** 269,729 45,956,541 165,444 37.9 104,285 378,974
Total central/decentral production Hard coal 2022 54,738 14,802,202 53,288 12.2 1,450 120,442
Total central/decentral production Hard coal 2023** 32,112 8,711,756 31,362 7.2 750 71,330
Total central/decentral production Fuel oil 2022 191 33,596 121 0.0 70 411
Total central/decentral production Fuel oil 2023** 165 30,361 109 0.0 56 368
Total central/decentral production Other fossil fuels 2022 27,580 4,158,830 14,972 3.4 12,609 45,895
Total central/decentral production Other fossil fuels 2023** 24,065 3,494,747 12,581 2.9 11,484 39,447
Total central/decentral production Total renewable energy 2022 196,168 48,092,501 173,133 39.6 23,035 122,722
Total central/decentral production Total renewable energy 2023** 224,151 56,786,756 204,432 46.8 19,718 99,638
Total central/decentral production Solar photovoltaic 2022 59,964 16,656,805 59,964 13.7
Total central/decentral production Solar photovoltaic 2023** 70,481 19,578,188 70,481 16.1
Total central/decentral production Wind energy 2022 77,637 21,565,971 77,637 17.7
Total central/decentral production Wind energy 2023** 106,290 29,525,082 106,290 24.3
Total central/decentral production Hydro power 2022 180 49,998 180 0.0
Total central/decentral production Hydro power 2023** 250 69,369 250 0.1
Total central/decentral production Biomass 2022 58,386 9,819,727 35,351 8.1 23,035 122,722
Total central/decentral production Biomass 2023** 47,129 7,614,118 27,411 6.3 19,718 99,638
Total central/decentral production Nuclear energy 2022 14,963 4,156,313 14,963 3.4 40,439
Total central/decentral production Nuclear energy 2023** 14,347 3,985,293 14,347 3.3 38,959
Total central/decentral production Other energy commodities 2022 17,316 2,586,745 9,312 2.1 8,004 42,422
Total central/decentral production Other energy commodities 2023** 16,224 2,376,561 8,556 2.0 7,668 39,136
Central electricity production Total energy commodities 2022 222,113 56,999,205 205,197 46.9 16,916 434,236
Central electricity production Total energy commodities 2023** 180,665 46,374,210 166,947 38.2 13,718 350,669
Central electricity production Total fossil fuels 2022 184,580 47,235,783 170,049 38.9 14,532 347,190
Central electricity production Total fossil fuels 2023** 150,832 38,582,298 138,896 31.8 11,935 279,484
Central electricity production Natural gas 2022 120,460 29,876,448 107,555 24.6 12,905 203,419
Central electricity production Natural gas 2023** 111,637 27,913,666 100,489 23.0 11,148 190,450
Central electricity production Hard coal 2022 54,738 14,802,202 53,288 12.2 1,450 120,442
Central electricity production Hard coal 2023** 32,112 8,711,756 31,362 7.2 750 71,330
Central electricity production Fuel oil 2022 86 23,358 84 0.0 2 195
Central electricity production Fuel oil 2023** 79 21,721 78 0.0 1 180
Central electricity production Other fossil fuels 2022 9,296 2,533,776 9,122 2.1 175 23,133
Central electricity production Other fossil fuels 2023** 7,004 1,935,156 6,967 1.6 37 17,525
Central electricity production Total renewable energy 2022 22,312 5,540,886 19,947 4.6 2,365 46,035
Central electricity production Total renewable energy 2023** 15,372 3,775,672 13,592 3.1 1,779 31,971
Central electricity production Solar photovoltaic 2022
Central electricity production Solar photovoltaic 2023**
Central electricity production Wind energy 2022
Central electricity production Wind energy 2023**
Central electricity production Hydro power 2022
Central electricity production Hydro power 2023**
Central electricity production Biomass 2022 22,312 5,540,886 19,947 4.6 2,365 46,035
Central electricity production Biomass 2023** 15,372 3,775,672 13,592 3.1 1,779 31,971
Central electricity production Nuclear energy 2022 14,963 4,156,313 14,963 3.4 40,439
Central electricity production Nuclear energy 2023** 14,347 3,985,293 14,347 3.3 38,959
Central electricity production Other energy commodities 2022 258 66,224 238 0.1 20 572
Central electricity production Other energy commodities 2023** 115 30,947 111 0.0 4 254
Decentral electricity production Total energy commodities 2022 370,515 64,573,645 232,465 53.1 138,050 330,311
Decentral electricity production Total energy commodities 2023** 400,127 74,967,805 269,884 61.8 130,243 317,183
Decentral electricity production Total fossil fuels 2022 179,601 19,501,508 70,205 16.0 109,395 211,775
Decentral electricity production Total fossil fuels 2023** 175,240 19,611,107 70,600 16.2 104,640 210,634
Decentral electricity production Natural gas 2022 161,212 17,866,215 64,318 14.7 96,893 188,798
Decentral electricity production Natural gas 2023** 158,092 18,042,875 64,954 14.9 93,137 188,524
Decentral electricity production Hard coal 2022
Decentral electricity production Hard coal 2023**
Decentral electricity production Fuel oil 2022 105 10,239 37 0.0 68 216
Decentral electricity production Fuel oil 2023** 86 8,641 31 0.0 55 188
Decentral electricity production Other fossil fuels 2022 18,284 1,625,054 5,850 1.3 12,434 22,761
Decentral electricity production Other fossil fuels 2023** 17,061 1,559,591 5,615 1.3 11,447 21,922
Decentral electricity production Total renewable energy 2022 173,856 42,551,615 153,186 35.0 20,670 76,687
Decentral electricity production Total renewable energy 2023** 208,779 53,011,084 190,840 43.7 17,939 67,667
Decentral electricity production Solar photovoltaic 2022 59,964 16,656,805 59,964 13.7
Decentral electricity production Solar photovoltaic 2023** 70,481 19,578,188 70,481 16.1
Decentral electricity production Wind energy 2022 77,637 21,565,971 77,637 17.7
Decentral electricity production Wind energy 2023** 106,290 29,525,082 106,290 24.3
Decentral electricity production Hydro power 2022 180 49,998 180 0.0
Decentral electricity production Hydro power 2023** 250 69,369 250 0.1
Decentral electricity production Biomass 2022 36,074 4,278,841 15,404 3.5 20,670 76,687
Decentral electricity production Biomass 2023** 31,757 3,838,445 13,818 3.2 17,939 67,667
Decentral electricity production Nuclear energy 2022
Decentral electricity production Nuclear energy 2023**
Decentral electricity production Other energy commodities 2022 17,058 2,520,522 9,074 2.1 7,985 41,849
Decentral electricity production Other energy commodities 2023** 16,109 2,345,614 8,444 1.9 7,665 38,882
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the production of electricity in the Netherlands from the various possible energy commodities. Electricity is mainly produced from the transformation of fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear energy and renewable energy. Figures broken down by energy commodity are given on the production of electricity and the released useful used heat, such as used for heating of buildings or greenhouses. Central and decentral production of electricity and heat is distinguished. The centrally coordinated production of electricity and heat is generated by plants that deliver to the national high voltage grid of electricity transmission operator TenneT. Decentrally produced electricity and heat is not produced centrally, such as by installations located in companies for which the production of electricity and heat is not the primary purpose. It also includes wind energy, solar energy and hydro power.

Data available:
From 1998 onwards

Status of the figures:
Figures up to 2022 are definite figures and figures for 2023 are revised provisional.

Changes as of November 2024:
This table has also been revised for 2015 to 2021 as a result of new methods that have also been applied for 2022 and 2023. This concerns changes of a maximum of a few PJ of the total production of electricity and heat.

Changes as of June 7th 2024:
Revised provisional figures of 2023 have been added.

Changes as of November 2023:
Figures for 2015 to 2020 have been revised. The revisions relate to the introduction of an improved analysis method in 2022, which has been carried back to 2015. Furthermore, some of the data of a limited number of companies have been revised based on new insights. The adjustments are generally small, the adjustment of total electricity production is less than 0.1 percent in all years and the adjustment of other figures is less than 1 percent compared to the respective annual totals.

Changes as of June 15th 2023:
Figures of 2022 have been added.

Changes as of December 15th 2022:
Figures of 2015 up to 2019 are revised. The changes are relatively small, the figures of this sheet are now consistent with the Energy balance sheet.
Also the figures of 2020 are definite and revised figures of 2021 have been updated.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional figures : April next year
Revised provisional figures: Juni/July next year
Definite figures: November second next year

Description topics

Gross production electricity and heat
The production of electricity and/or heat from the input of fossil fuels, renewable energy commodities, nuclear energy and other energy commodities, included the electricity consumption of the power plants.
Total electricity and heat (TJ)
Total production of electricity and heat reported in TJ (terajoule = 1,000 billion Joules).
Flow of electrons used to light lamps or to operate washing machines. Electrons are elementary particles in an atom with a negative charge that flow by a potential difference. In practice the potential difference is generated by for example electricity power plants, wind turbines or batteries.
Electricity (MWh)
The production of electricity reported in MWh (megawatt-hours). MWh is the physical unit of electricity. The Dutch household consumption of electricity in 2010 was on average 3.3 MWh.
Electricity (TJ)
The production of electricity reported in TJ (terajoule). By expressing electricity in TJ (terajoule = 1,000 billion Joules) this can be compared energetically with other energy commodities. 1 MWh equals 0.0036 TJ.
Electricity (%)
Percentage of electricity production relative to the total electricity produced in that year.
Heat (TJ)
Production of steam and heat reported in TJ (terajoule = 1,000 billion Joules).
Input (TJ)
Amount of fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear energy and other energy commodities consumed for the production of electricity and/or heat reported in TJ (terajoule = 1,000 billion Joules).
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