Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

Government Production and Consumption; transactions, sectors

Institutional sectors Transactions and Balancing items Periods Government Production and Consumption (million euros)
General government P1 Output 1995 64,961
General government P1 Output 2000 81,092
General government P1 Output 2005 105,176
General government P1 Output 2010 130,280
General government P1 Output 2015 130,847
General government P1 Output 2020 150,107
General government P1 Output 2021 161,662
General government P1 Output 2022 179,345
General government P1 Output 2023* 187,522
General government P11 Market output 1995 6,594
General government P11 Market output 2000 8,455
General government P11 Market output 2005 11,098
General government P11 Market output 2010 13,687
General government P11 Market output 2015 11,563
General government P11 Market output 2020 7,652
General government P11 Market output 2021 9,769
General government P11 Market output 2022 15,416
General government P11 Market output 2023* 9,077
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 1995 2,356
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2000 3,170
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2005 4,424
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2010 5,178
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2015 5,622
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2020 6,613
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2021 7,039
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2022 7,379
General government P12A Own-account capital formation 2023* 7,773
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 1995 56,011
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2000 69,467
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2005 89,654
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2010 111,415
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2015 113,662
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2020 135,842
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2021 144,854
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2022 156,550
General government P13 Non-marketoutput 2023* 170,672
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 1995 5,786
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2000 7,671
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2005 9,312
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2010 10,302
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2015 11,550
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2020 12,134
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2021 12,937
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2022 13,870
General government P131 Payments for non-market output 2023* 14,679
General government P132 Other non-market output 1995 50,225
General government P132 Other non-market output 2000 61,796
General government P132 Other non-market output 2005 80,342
General government P132 Other non-market output 2010 101,113
General government P132 Other non-market output 2015 102,112
General government P132 Other non-market output 2020 123,708
General government P132 Other non-market output 2021 131,917
General government P132 Other non-market output 2022 142,680
General government P132 Other non-market output 2023* 155,993
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 1995 20,621
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2000 26,262
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2005 34,412
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2010 43,625
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2015 43,306
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2020 51,122
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2021 56,856
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2022 60,563
General government P2 Intermediate consumption 2023* 67,222
General government B1g Gross value added 1995 44,340
General government B1g Gross value added 2000 54,830
General government B1g Gross value added 2005 70,764
General government B1g Gross value added 2010 86,655
General government B1g Gross value added 2015 87,541
General government B1g Gross value added 2020 98,985
General government B1g Gross value added 2021 104,806
General government B1g Gross value added 2022 118,782
General government B1g Gross value added 2023* 120,300
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 1995 10,460
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2000 12,928
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2005 16,912
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2010 20,843
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2015 22,778
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2020 25,805
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2021 26,946
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2022 29,168
General government P51c Consumption of fixed capital 2023* 30,853
General government B1n Net value added 1995 33,880
General government B1n Net value added 2000 41,902
General government B1n Net value added 2005 53,852
General government B1n Net value added 2010 65,812
General government B1n Net value added 2015 64,763
General government B1n Net value added 2020 73,180
General government B1n Net value added 2021 77,860
General government B1n Net value added 2022 89,614
General government B1n Net value added 2023* 89,447
General government D1 Compensation of employees 1995 32,069
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2000 39,623
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2005 49,422
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2010 59,896
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2015 60,227
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2020 72,588
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2021 75,463
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2022 82,007
General government D1 Compensation of employees 2023* 88,838
General government D11 Wages and salaries 1995 25,427
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2000 30,783
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2005 36,706
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2010 45,565
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2015 45,165
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2020 53,603
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2021 55,553
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2022 59,633
General government D11 Wages and salaries 2023* 65,143
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 1995 6,642
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2000 8,840
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2005 12,716
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2010 14,331
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2015 15,062
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2020 18,985
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2021 19,910
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2022 22,374
General government D12 Employer's social contributions 2023* 23,695
General government D29 Other taxes on production 1995 316
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2000 471
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2005 568
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2010 678
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2015 953
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2020 1,000
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2021 973
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2022 1,114
General government D29 Other taxes on production 2023* 1,268
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 1995 -26
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2000 -245
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2005 -370
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2010 -369
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2015 -37
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2020 -481
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2021 -419
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2022 -362
General government D39 Other subsidies on production 2023* -389
General government B2n Net operating surplus 1995 1,521
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2000 2,053
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2005 4,232
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2010 5,607
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2015 3,620
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2020 73
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2021 1,843
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2022 6,855
General government B2n Net operating surplus 2023* -270
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 1995 73,583
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2000 92,704
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2005 123,401
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2010 168,710
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2015 173,811
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2020 209,743
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2021 226,371
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2022 241,898
General government P3 Final consumption expenditure 2023* 264,091
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 1995 43,692
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2000 56,644
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2005 78,589
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2010 114,553
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2015 118,463
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2020 142,389
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2021 155,178
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2022 165,040
General government P31 Individual final consumption expen.. 2023* 178,925
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 1995 20,334
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2000 25,736
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2005 35,530
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2010 46,956
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2015 46,764
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2020 56,354
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2021 60,724
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2022 65,822
General government D631 Transfers in kind non-market produc 2023* 70,827
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 1995 23,358
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2000 30,908
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2005 43,059
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2010 67,597
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2015 71,699
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2020 86,035
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2021 94,454
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2022 99,218
General government D632 Social transfers in kind via mark.. 2023* 108,098
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 1995 29,891
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2000 36,060
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2005 44,812
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2010 54,157
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2015 55,348
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2020 67,354
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2021 71,193
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2022 76,858
General government P32 Collective final consumption expen.. 2023* 85,166
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on the output and final consumption expenditure of the general government. The general government output is determined from the production costs, which consist of compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, consumption of fixed capital, other taxes on production (payable) and other subsidies on production (receivable). Please note that the subsidies are denoted with a negative sign, as subsidies reduce production costs.
General government output is predominantly comprised of non-market output that is provided for free. To a lesser extent, output of the general government is also sold on the market, used as output for own final use, or provided to the market as non-market output at prices that are not economically significant.
The final consumption expenditure of the general government can be broken down into an individual and collective component. The individual consumption expenditure is equal to the social transfers in kind, which are individual goods and services supplied to individual households for free or at prices that are not economically significant, either produced as non-market output or purchased from market producers. The collective consumption expenditure are the costs associated with providing collective goods and services to society, or large parts of it, as a whole.
The terms and definitions used are in accordance with the framework of the National Accounts. The National Accounts are based on the international definitions of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). The time of recording is in congruence with the accrual principle. Small temporary differences with publications of National Accounts may occur due to the fact that government finance statistics are sometimes more up to date.

Data available from:
Yearly figures from 1995.

Status of the figures:
The figures for the period 1995-2022 are final. The figures for 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of 24 June 2024:
Annual figures for year 2023 are available.
The annual figures for 2022 are now final.
In the context of the revision policy of National accounts, the annual figures from 1995 have been revised.

When will new figures be published?
Yearly figures are published six months after the end of the year concerned.
These yearly figures are revised eighteen months after the end of the year concerned. Please note that there is a possibility that adjustments might take place at the end of March or September, in order to provide the European Commission with the most actual figures.
More information on the revision policy of National Accounts can be found under 'relevant articles' under paragraph 3.

Description topics

Government Production and Consumption
The general government output (P1) is determined from the production costs, which consist of compensation of employees (D1), intermediate consumption (P2), consumption of fixed capital (P51c), other taxes on production (D29, payable), other subsidies on production (D39, receivable) and the net operating surplus (B2n). Please note that the subsidies are denoted with a negative sign, as subsidies reduce production costs. Furthermore, the net operating surplus (B2n) of the general government is always equal to zero:
P1 = D1 + P2 + P51c + D29 (payable) + D39 (receivable) + B2n
General government output (P1) is predominantly comprised of non-market output that is provided for free (P132). To a lesser extent, output of the general government is also sold on the market (P11), used as output for own final use (P12), or provided to the market as non-market output at prices that are not economically significant (P131):
P1 = P11 + P12 + P131 + P132
The final consumption expenditure of the general government (P3) can be broken down into an individual (P31) and collective component (P32):
P3 = P31 + P32
The individual consumption expenditure (P31) is equal to the social transfers in kind, which are individual goods and services supplied to individual households for free or at prices that are not economically significant, either produced as non-market output (D631) or purchased from market producers (D632):
P31 = D631 + D632
The collective consumption expenditure (P32) are the costs associated with providing collective goods and services to society, or large parts of it, as a whole. In other words, this is the part of the non-market output that is provided for free (P132), which does not pertain to individual consumption expenditure (D631):
P132 = D631 + P32
The relevant balancing items for the output and final consumption expenditure of the general government are as follows:
B1n (Value added, net) = D1 + D29 (payable) + D39 (receivable) + B2n
B1g (Value added, gross) = P1 – P2 = B1n + P51c