Electricity; production and means of production

Electricity; production and means of production

Sectors Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Installation types Periods Input Physical energy units Total input (TJ) Input Physical energy units Natural gas input (1,000 m3) Input Physical energy units Fuel oil input (1,000 kg) Input Physical energy units Hard coal input (1,000 kg) Input Physical energy units Other fuel input (TJ) Output Physical units Total output (TJ) Output Physical units Electricity output (MWh) Installed capacity Electrical power (megawatt) Installed capacity Thermal power (MJ/h)
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2000 898,064 15,887,395 360,033 8,650,888 169,703 544,265 90,180,577 20,782 60,423,880
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2005 983,898 17,715,753 285,894 8,247,598 204,387 583,571 100,768,710 21,978 61,748,556
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2010 1,076,104 20,987,038 12,220 7,874,980 215,902 656,960 118,139,044 26,608 68,001,611
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2019 905,719 17,406,382 18,557 5,876,467 207,381 611,882 121,411,247 36,853 59,290,536
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2020 860,412 17,771,852 8,958 2,546,388 233,688 615,363 123,278,130 42,988 63,099,666
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2021 877,918 14,637,323 11,954 4,750,766 295,671 612,521 121,966,679 47,851 63,100,236
Total central/decentral production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2022** 819,478 12,395,699 9,528 4,855,978 306,304 593,107 121,728,093 53,800 63,390,107
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2000 479,735 6,254,739 1,393 8,650,888 70,954 236,202 56,545,363 14,391 11,302,102
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2005 592,663 8,815,767 16,718 8,247,598 105,874 292,292 69,237,110 14,662 12,828,682
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2010 619,075 10,244,290 3,910 7,874,980 99,236 317,305 75,823,123 16,223 12,849,035
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2019 545,055 10,155,646 12,530 5,876,467 76,462 290,422 74,735,323 17,759 11,124,865
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2020 498,210 10,486,820 3,714 2,546,388 102,282 269,840 69,619,816 17,762 10,071,466
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2021 467,916 7,295,281 6,262 4,750,766 118,288 242,897 62,447,730 17,762 10,071,468
Central electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2022** 434,236 6,427,156 4,550 4,855,978 110,179 222,113 56,999,205 17,762 10,071,468
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2000 418,329 9,632,656 358,640 98,749 308,063 33,635,214 6,391 49,121,778
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2005 391,235 8,899,986 269,176 98,513 291,280 31,531,600 7,316 48,919,874
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2010 457,029 10,742,748 8,310 116,666 339,655 42,315,921 10,385 55,152,576
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2019 360,663 7,250,736 6,027 130,919 321,460 46,675,924 19,094 48,165,671
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2020 362,202 7,285,033 5,244 131,406 345,522 53,658,314 25,226 53,028,200
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2021 410,002 7,342,041 5,692 177,383 369,625 59,518,949 30,089 53,028,768
Decentral electricity production Total CHP and Eonly installations Total of installations 2022** 385,243 5,968,544 4,978 196,125 370,994 64,728,888 36,038 53,318,639
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the production of electricity, the input of fuels, and the use of installations, in the Netherlands. Electricity is obtained by the transformation of fuels such as natural gas, hard coal and fuel oil; solar and wind energy; and the use of hydro power. The figures are on the production of electricity, the heat released, fuel input, renewable energy commodities and installed capacity, broken down by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) installations and Electricity only (Eonly) installations. Finally, a distinction is made between central and decentral production of electricity and heat, where decentral production is broken down by sector.

Data available:
From 1998 onwards.

Status of the figures:
Figures 1998-2021 are definite. The 2022 figures are revised provisional.

Changes as of the November 2023:
The figures for the years 2015-2020 have been revised. Figures for 2021 and 2022 have been updated.
The revisions relate to the introduction of an improved analysis method in 2022, which has been carried back to previous years. Furthermore, data from a limited number of companies have been revised based on new insights. The adjustments are generally small; the adjustment in the total production and use of the various energy carriers is less than 1 percent in all years.

When will new figures be published?
In November 2024 definite figures 2022 and revised provisional figures 2023 will be published.

Description topics

The amount of fuel input used for the production of electricity and/or heat.
Physical energy units
Cubic metres, litres, kilograms, kilowatt hours for measuring quantities of energy.
Total input
This is the total of natural gas input, fuel oil input, hard coal input and other fuel input used for the production of electricity and/or heat.

The unit TeraJoule (TJ) is used. This equals 1,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 12).
Natural gas input
Input of natural gas used for the production of electricity and/or heat.

Natural gas is a gaseous fuel of natural origin mainly consisting of methane. It results from the same process that leads to the formation of crude oil. Natural gas is liquefied for transport over long distances by ship.

1 million m3 of natural gas is about 31.65 TJ.
Fuel oil input
Input of fuel oil used for the production of electricity and/or heat.

This oil remains after the distillation in the refinery.

24,000 kg of fuel oil is about 1 TJ.
Hard coal input
Input of hard coal used for the production of electricity and/or heat.

Hard coal is a fossil fuel existing of carbonized rests of vegetal origin.

40,000 kg hard coal is about 1 TJ.
Other fuel input
Input of other commodities used for the production of electricity, such as chemical and industrial gases, biomass, waste, blast furnace gas, nuclear material and steam.

The unit TeraJoule (TJ) is used. This equals 1,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 12).
The total amount of electricity and/or heat generated in the Netherlands from the input of fuels, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy and hydro power. This includes the own consumption of the power plants to produce the electricity.
Physical units
Cubic metres, litres, kilograms, kilowatt hours for measuring quantities of energy.
Total output
The total amount of electricity and/or heat generated in the Netherlands from the input of fuels, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy and hydro power. This includes the own consumption of the power plants to produce the electricity.

This category is made up of the categories:
- Electricity output
- Heat output

The unit TeraJoule (TJ) is used. This equals 1,000,000,000,000 joules (10 to the power of 12).
Electricity output
The total amount of electricity generated in the Netherlands from the input of fuels, renewable energy, nuclear energy and other energy commodities. This includes the own consumption of the power plants to produce the electricity.
Installed capacity
The amount of electricity or heat that can be generated, per unit of time, during normal operation of all available electricity and heat production installations based in the Netherlands.
Electrical power
The amount of electricity that can be generated, per unit of time, during normal operation of all available installations of electricity production. Refers to gross power generation, i.e. power used within the plant itself has not been taken into account.
Thermal power
The amount of heat that can be generated, per unit of time, during normal operation of all available combined heat and power installations.

The unit used is MJ/h.