Project implementation

The fourth step in working with CBS microdata consists of three parts:
Authorisation of researchers
New researchers will receive a hardware token and information about working with the RA environment. Subsequently, they do an awareness test.
You can now start analysing the data within your working environment. You log in from your own computer. -
Conducting research
During the project, you can make various adjustments such as adding or removing researchers, adding datasets (if appropriate to the research question) or temporarily freezing the project (see our flyer). A variety of standard software packages is available for analyses such as SPSS, Stata, R, Python. Various other packages are available on request.
After the end of each quarter you will receive an invoice from CBS. -
Output checking
Your working environment is kept completely shut off from the outside world. You can only publish your results by putting them in an export folder, after which they will be checked for disclosure risk by CBS employees. Pursuant to the Statistics Netherlands Act, no information may leave CBS that might be traced back to individuals, institutions or companies. Your results must meet the output guidelines. CBS does not check the quality of your analyses.