Turnover and production

What does the survey comprise?
These statistics show the change of turnover and production per month in the various sectors of industry. Statistics Netherlands compiles turnover and production statistics for the following industries:
- mining and quarrying
- manufacturing
- production and distribution of energy and water
- construction
- transportation and storage
- wholesale, retail and motor vehicles trade
- accommodation and food services
- business and personal services
Target population
Enterprises that are economically active in one of the above-mentioned sectors in the period under review.
Statistical unit
The enterprise. Statistics Netherlands defines an enterprise as an actual participant in the process of production of goods and/or provision of services, characterised by autonomy in decision-making about its production process, and by the provision of its products and/or services to third parties. An enterprise is not necessarily equal to a legal entity (e.g. a limited or private company), but may consist of one or more legal entities which together form an autonomous entity in the production process.
Date/year survey started
The oldest turnover statistics are those on manufacturing and the retail trade. These date from the late 1940s. Turnover and production statistics for other sectors of industry were developed in due course.
Publication strategy
For the sectors Retail trade and Importers of passenger cars figures are published 1 month after the end of the reporting month. For the sectors Industry and Energy and water production and distribution figures are published about 40 days and for the sector Construction about 45 days after the end of the reporting month. Of the remaining industries, outcomes are published 2 months after the end of the reporting month.
After publication of final outcomes, Statistics Netherlands adjusts outcomes only if major adjustments and/or corrections are necessary.
How is the survey conducted?
Survey type
Data for the turnover statistics are taken from tax registrations as much as possible. If necessary, this is supplemented with sample survey.
Observation method
Statistics Netherlands obtains turnover information of enterprises from registrations of the Tax Administration. By using data from monthly and quarterly VAT returns, direct survey of enterprises is significantly reduced. In case VAT data are not sufficient, additional information is obtained through sample surveys.
Monthly results for motor vehicles trade, wholesale trade, transportation and storage, hotels and restaurants and services are estimated by applying a model-based approach. The model combines monthly VAT returns and sample survey data for a panel of enterprises. The outcomes are calibrated against the quarterly figures once available.
Sample size
For all sectors of industries combined, 15.000 enterprises are approached on a monthly basis and 4.000 on a quarterly basis.
Control and correction methods
Statistics Netherlands conducts plausibility checks on data received from enterprises. Among other things the figures are compared with those for previous months/quarters and those for the same month or quarter of the previous year. If inconsistencies are established, they are corrected automatically or manually, where necessary in consultation with the reporting agency.
For those sectors where VAT registrations are used, enterprises are observed integrally on a quarterly basis. For sectors where observation via VAT registrations is not possible, a sample is used and survey data of responding enterprises are raised to the total number of enterprises in a sector in the period under review.
When calculating indices, the weighting factors reflect the relative weights of outcomes in a publication group. To keep the outcomes of these index series in line with current events, a so-called base year change is implemented once every five years. In 2024, the reference year is changed from 2015 to 2021 (2021=100) and weighting factors are updated, based on the year 2021.
Seasonal and calendar adjustments
Seasonal and calendar adjustments are performed on the time series. Seasonal adjustments involve correcting time series for so-called seasonal patterns. These are up-and-down movements in a time series that recur with fixed (e.g. annual) regularity. Adjusting for these patterns makes trends in the data more visible.
In addition, time series are adjusted for calendar effects. These are calendar-related events that usually have an irregular recurring pattern, but do influence the time series. Examples include the composition of calendar days within a reporting period, public holidays and leap days. By correcting for these, data are comparable over time.
What is the quality of outcomes?
The results are largely based on data provided by companies. Due to estimates of non-respondents, among others, there is a certain margin of error.
Comparability over time
The aim of turnover and production statistics is to show current trends. To this end, Statistics Netherlands corrects, where necessary, for significant breaks that occur as a result of method or definition changes. This also applies to errors found in retrospect.
Description of quality strategy
Survey results are published only after they have been assessed for plausibility. To establish the plausibility of the outcomes, the following checks are carried out, among others:
- time series analyses (consistency in time);
- indicator analyses (relationship between variables);
- confrontation with results from other sources.