
List with definitions of the concepts used by CBS in their statistics. Using the same definitions throughout makes comparison of figures easier.

List of definitions

Filter by starting letter:
  1. Take offs and landings
  2. Taking away parental powers or custody on legal grounds
  3. Tangible fixed assets
  4. Tanker trade
  5. Tax on groundwater
  6. Tax on waste
  7. Taxes
  8. Taxes on production
  9. Taxes on production and imports
  10. Taxes on products
  11. Tbs
  12. Technical account
  13. Technical provisions
  14. Temp worker
  15. Temporary guardianship
  16. Temporary guardianship
  17. Temporary job
  18. Tennis hall
  19. Termination of an enterprise
  20. Terms of employment
  21. Terms of employment
  22. Terms of trade
  23. Tertiary education
  24. TEU
  25. TEU (Twenty foot equivalent unit)
  26. TEU kilometre
  27. TEU-km
  28. The national archive
  29. The Netherlands Museum Association
  30. Third country transport
  31. Thrombosis service laboratory
  32. Tidal energy
  33. Time wages
  34. Toddler care centre
  35. Toddler mortality
  36. Tontine
  37. Total divorce rate
  38. Total return on bonds
  39. Total return on shares
  40. Total surface area (archives)
  41. Tourism
  42. Tourist accommodation
  43. Tourist holiday
  44. Towage
  45. Towing barge
  46. Town clerk's archive
  47. Trade balance
  48. Trade union
  49. Trade union federation
  50. Traffic death
  51. Trailer
  52. Trailer
  53. Trailer
  54. Trailer
  55. Tramp shipping
  56. Transaction (law)
  57. Transaction (trade)
  58. Transactions with the rest of the world
  59. Transient
  60. Transit trade
  61. Transport area
  62. Transport costs
  63. Transport diesel
  64. Transport diesel, high-sulphur
  65. Transport diesel, low-sulphur
  66. Transport for hire or reward
  67. Transport on own account
  68. Travelling time per person per day
  69. Travelling time per trip
  70. Trend follower
  71. Trip
  72. Tug boat
  73. Tug-pushed dumb barge
  74. Type of insurance for sickness absence
  75. Type of museum
  76. Type of residence status of non-Dutch people