
List with definitions of the concepts used by CBS in their statistics. Using the same definitions throughout makes comparison of figures easier.

List of definitions

Filter by starting letter:
  1. Main mode of transport (passenger transport)
  2. Main source of income
  3. Main user of a car
  4. Marital status
  5. Maritime waterway
  6. Market price
  7. Market value
  8. Marriage
  9. Marriage dissolution
  10. Marriage duration
  11. Married
  12. Married couple
  13. Marrying
  14. Master's degree
  15. Maternal deaths
  16. Mbo
  17. Medical decision at the end of life.
  18. Medical intervention shortening a patient’s life without the patient’s explicit request
  19. Medical specialist
  20. Mental health care
  21. Merchant fleet
  22. Metropolitan agglomeration
  23. MFI
  24. Micro fiches and films
  25. Microcar
  26. Midwife/obstetrician
  27. Migration
  28. Migration background
  29. Migration motive
  30. Minimum wage
  31. Minimum wage earner
  32. Minimum wage for young people
  33. Misdemeanour
  34. Mlk
  35. Mobility
  36. Mobility motive
  37. Mobility of labour
  38. Mobility survey
  39. Monetary financial institutions
  40. Money market
  41. Monthly indicator
  42. Monthly wages
  43. Moped
  44. Mortality
  45. Mortality risk
  46. Mortgage
  47. Motor gasoline
  48. Motorcycle
  49. Move
  50. Move within the Netherlands
  51. Multi-family housing
  52. Multi-person household
  53. Multi-person household with children
  54. Multi-person household without children
  55. Multiple birth
  56. Multiple birth
  57. Municipal archive
  58. Municipal population register
  59. Municipal tax
  60. Municipal territory
  61. Municipal waste
  62. Municipality (legal)
  63. Municipality (regional)
  64. Municipality of birth
  65. Museum
  66. Museum card
  67. Museum exhibition
  68. Museum management
  69. Museum Register
  70. Music school