Measuring the green transition with business tendency surveys


Statistics Netherlands observes among statistics users a need for more up-to-date statistics and insight in business behaviour on the green transition. This need may be fulfilled by the use of business tendency surveys (BTS). Statistics Netherlands conducts three monthly business tendency surveys in the following areas: manufacturing industry, retail trade and services. This study focuses on the question: How can business tendency surveys be used on a regular basis to monitor developments in the green transition of businesses?

Business tendency surveys provide a flexible instrument for obtaining information. However, due to the nature of the instrument, including additional questions should be well-considered and be kept to a minimum. Although information needs may be relevant from a policy perspective, priorities have to be set. Business tendency surveys can only provide general information about a topic rather than specific. By current Dutch legislation, data may only be requested from enterprises and institutions in relation to the economic and investment outlook.

This study proposes a GreenTransition-module for the BTS. It describes managers’ assessments, expectations, plans and constraints about the green transition of their enterprise. The module is designed to enable analysis of the green transition of enterprises in relation to fluctuations in the business cycle. Questions focus on investments, investment types, procurement, greening constraints and progress towards climate neutrality of their enterprise. To distribute the response burden, data are collected at various survey rounds throughout the year.