HSMR 2023 Methodological Report

4. Evaluation of the HSMR 2023 model

This chapter presents and evaluates the HSMR model results. Summary outcomes of the 158 logistic regressions are presented, with in-hospital mortality as the dependent variable and the variables mentioned in section 3.4 as explanatory variables. More detailed results are presented in the tables “Statistical significance of covariates HSMR 2023 model” and “Coefficients HSMR 2023”. These tables are published together with this report.

4.1 Target population and data set

All hospitals that register complete records of inpatient admissions and prolonged observations without overnight stay in the LBZ are included in the HSMR model. In 2020-2023 all general hospitals and university hospitals were included in the model, as well as three short-stay specialised hospitals (two cancer hospitals and an eye hospital). From 2022 onwards a fourth short-stay specialised (orthopaedic) hospital also participated in the LBZ and was included in the model as well. All of the hospitals had completely registered all admissions in the LBZ.

4.1.1 Admissions in HSMR 2023 model
Excluded admissions not meeting the NZa criteria*123,889131,521143,399148,014546,823
Excluded admissions of foreigners6,2315,9937,9738,70728,904
Excluded admissions due to COVID-19**40,43060,228100,658
Excluded admissions of healthy persons***18,20219,19618,94319,39875,739
Total number of admissions included in model1,395,5451,407,7491,481,6481,489,8685,774,810
Number of inpatient admissions1,288,2911,295,2551,367,7001,381,0705,332,316
Number of observations107,254112,494113,948108,798442,494
Number of deaths included in model29,15129,77936,20734,808129,945
Crude mortality (in admissions in model)2.1%2.1%2.4%2.3%2.3%
*Admissions that do not meet the billing criteria of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) for inpatient admissions, and for prolonged observations, unplanned, without overnight stay. The number of these admissions in the LBZ varies over the years, due to different registration instructions of DHD.
**Admissions with COVID-19 as the main diagnosis (ICD-10 codes U07.1 (COVID-19, virus identified (lab confirmed)), U07.2 (COVID-19, virus not identified (clinically diagnosed)) and, from 2021 onwards, U10.9 (Multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19, unspecified)).
*** Admissions of healthy persons are admissions of healthy newborns, healthy parents accompanying sick children, or other healthy boarders.

The total number of hospitals included in the HSMR model of 2020-2023 is 75 and includes 64 general hospitals, 7 university hospitals and 4 short stay specialised hospitals. These numbers are based on the number of hospital units in 2023, counting hospitals that merged in the period 2020-2023 as one unit for all years.

Table 4.1.1 lists some characteristics of the admissions included in the HSMR 2023 model per year. Admissions not meeting the criteria of the Dutch Healthcare Authority, admissions of foreigners and admissions of healthy persons were excluded. For the years 2020 and 2021, admissions with COVID-19 as the principal diagnosis were also excluded. The number of admissions included in 2023 (1,489,868) was comparable to the number of admissions in 2022 (1,481,648). The total number of admissions in the 2020-2023 model (5,774,810) however, is 2.2% lower than the total number of admissions in the previous model (2019-2022; 5,902,313). This decrease is due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic: the pre-pandemic year 2019, with substantially more admissions (1,617,371) than in the  pandemic and post-pandemic years, was still included in the HSMR 2019-2022 model, but is excluded in the present 2020-2023 model.

Crude mortality of the admissions included in the HSMR model was increased in 2022 compared to mortality of previous years (partly due to the inclusion of COVID-19 admissions), but similar in 2023 (2.3%) compared to 2022 (2.4%). 

4.2 Hospital exclusion

Hospitals were only provided with (H)SMR outcomes if the data fulfilled the criteria stated in paragraph 3.5. In order to qualify for a three-year report (2021-2023) hospitals had to fulfil these criteria for the three consecutive years.

Of the 75 hospitals included in the model, all had registered (valid) data over 2023. The four short stay specialised hospitals and one general hospital had not been asked to grant authorization for providing HSMR numbers because their case mix was very different from that of the other hospitals. In fact, all of these hospitals had participated in the LBZ but the data of these hospitals did not meet one or more of the previously stated criteria, such as a minimum number of 60 registered deaths or on average a minimum number of 1.5 comorbidities per admission. All of the other 70 hospitals that had granted authorization fulfilled the criteria and were provided with a HSMR figure for 2023. For these 70 hospitals the data of 2021 and 2022 was additionally investigated in order to determine if a three-year report could be provided. The data of all 70 hospitals met the criteria in all years considered and so all hospitals were also provided with three-year HSMR figures.

4.3 Impact of the covariates on mortality and HSMR

The table “Statistical significance of covariates HSMR 2023 model” published together with this report shows which covariates have a statistically significant (95 percent confidence) impact on in-hospital mortality for each of the 158 diagnosis groups: “1” indicates (statistical) significance, and “0” non-significance, while a dash (-) means that the covariate has been dropped as the number of admissions is smaller than 50 (or as there are no deaths) for all but one category of a covariate; see section 3.6.2

The last row of the table “Statistical significance of covariates HSMR 2023 model” published together with this report gives the numbers of significant results across the diagnosis groups for each covariate. These values are presented again in table 4.3.1, as a summary, but ordered by the number of times a covariate is significant. Age, urgency of the admission, and severity of the main diagnosis are significant for a large majority of the diagnosis groups. This is also true for several of the comorbidity groups, especially for group 2 (Congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy). Comorbidity 15 (HIV) is only rarely registered as a comorbidity; most diagnosis groups had fewer than 50 admissions with HIV comorbidity. In only one of the models comorbidity 15 is statistically significant. The number of times month of admission is significant varies over the years (CBS, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022): it increased from 27 in 2017 to 43 in 2018 and decreased steadily since 2019 to 28 in 2022. In 2023 it increases slightly to 32. The number of times year of discharge is significant was 22 in the HSMR models of 2019, 2020 and 2021, increased substantially to 32 in 2022 (CBS 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), and drops again to 26 in 2023. Compared to the HSMR 2022 model, other large changes were observed for the covariate comorbidity 3 (Peripheral vascular disease): it was significant in 95 models in 2021, increased to 103 in 2022, and decreases again to 91 models in 2023. The changes are smaller for the other covariates. The total number of significant covariates decreased from 1,613 in 2022 to 1,586 in 2023.

4.3.1 Statistical significance  of the covariates for the 158 logistic regressions (summary), HSMR 2023 model
varNo. of significant results
Comorbidity 2126
Severity main diagnosis114
Comorbidity 13106
Comorbidity 16104
Comorbidity 994
Source of admission94
Comorbidity 391
Comorbidity 682
Comorbidity 1464
Comorbidity 461
Comorbidity 557
Comorbidity 1745
Comorbidity 141
Month of admission32
Comorbidity 1029
Comorbidity 1227
Comorbidity 727
Comorbidity 1126
Year of discharge26
Comorbidity 811
Comorbidity 151
Comorbidity groups: 1 Myocardial infarction, 2 Congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy, 3 Peripheral vascular disease, 4 Cerebrovascular disease , 5 Dementia, 6 Pulmonary disease, 7 Connective tissue disorder, 8 Peptic ulcer, 9 Liver disease, 10 Diabetes, 11 Diabetes complications, 12 Hemiplegia or paraplegia, 13 Renal disease, 14 Cancer, 15 HIV, 16 Metastatic cancer, 17 Severe liver disease.

The significance only partially reflects the effect of the covariates on mortality. This is better measured using the Wald statistic. Table 4.3.2 presents the total of all Wald statistics summed over the diagnosis groups with the respective sum of the degrees of freedom, for each of the covariates ordered by value. It shows that severity of the main diagnosis has the highest explanatory power. Age and urgency of admission are also important variables. Of the comorbidities in the model, comorbidity groups 2, 16, and 13 are the groups with the most impact on mortality. Compared to the outcome of the 2022 model (CBS, 2023), the order of the covariates with regard to explanatory power is almost identical. Note that the values of the Wald statistics themselves cannot be compared directly between years as these values depend on the number of admissions used in the models.

4.3.2 Wald chi-square statistics for the 158 logistic regressions, HSMR 2023 model
CovariateSum of Wald statisticsSum of df
Severity main diagnosis 39,017 408
Age 30,489 2,000
Urgency 16,082 156
Comorbidity 2 9,285 147
Comorbidity 16 4,082 139
Comorbidity 13 3,485 151
Source admission 2,929 281
Comorbidity 3 2,415 147
Comorbidity 6 1,979 152
Month of admission 1,653 788
Comorbidity 9 1,601 123
Comorbidity 17 1,496 66
Comorbidity 4 1,249 122
Comorbidity 14 1,225 144
Comorbidity 5 1,221 119
SES 1,013 706
Year of discharge 913 468
Sex 837 150
Comorbidity 12 791 99
Comorbidity 1 641 149
Comorbidity 10 395 152
Comorbidity 7 308 129
Comorbidity 11 282 114
Comorbidity 8 137 32
Comorbidity 15 14 11
Comorbidity groups: 1 Myocardial infarction, 2 Congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy, 3 Peripheral vascular disease, 4 Cerebrovascular disease , 5 Dementia, 6 Pulmonary disease, 7 Connective tissue disorder, 8 Peptic ulcer, 9 Liver disease, 10 Diabetes, 11 Diabetes complications, 12 Hemiplegia or paraplegia, 13 Renal disease, 14 Cancer, 15 HIV, 16 Metastatic cancer, 17 Severe liver disease.

The explanatory power of year of discharge increases since the HSMR 2021 model, with the largest increase in 2022 (13%) and a further small increase of 3.2% in this year’s HSMR 2023 model. This implies that the differences in mortality between the years in the model (corrected for differences in patient characteristics) has slightly increased. The impact of comorbidity 1 (myocardial infarction) has stabilized after having decreased for seven years. 

In addition, the impact of comorbidity 14 (cancer) has decreased by 33% since the 2016 model. A decreased impact of a comorbidity could reflect a decreased effect of the comorbidity (e.g. the likelihood of dying in hospital when having this condition as comorbidity has decreased), and/or a decreased number of patients with this comorbidity resulting in less accurate estimates of the effect of this comorbidity (which also decreases the Wald statistic). The opposite applies in the case of an increased impact of a variable. 

The impact of month of admission has increased considerably in the 2022 (12%) and 2023 models (8%). The increase in 2022 is probably caused by the inclusion of COVID-19 in the 2022 model for which month of admission is an important predictor. In 2023 the increase of the impact of month of admission is mostly caused by diagnoses other than COVID-19, such as pneumonia. As was mentioned in section 3.6.2, when the hospitals differ little on a covariate, the effect of this covariate on the HSMR can still be small even if this covariate is a strong predictor for mortality. Table 4.3.3 shows the impact of each covariate on the HSMR, as measured by the formula in paragraph 3.6.2, for the hospitals for which HSMRs are calculated. The comorbidities, which are considered here as one group (17 comorbidities together), have the largest effect on the HSMR. This is caused by differences in case mixes between hospitals, but possibly also by differences in coding practices (see Van der Laan, 2013). The effect of comorbidities has increased somewhat (from 4.25 to 5.05) compared to the 2022 HSMR model. Deleting sex as a covariate hardly has an impact on the HSMRs, whereas SES has a reasonable impact on the HSMR. This is probably because hospitals differ more in terms of SES categories of the postal areas in their vicinity than in terms of the sex distribution of their patients. In general, the magnitudes of the effect on the HSMR of the covariates shown in table 4.3.3 are about the same as in the previous model.

4.3.3 Average shift in HSMR 2023 by inclusion/deletion of covariates
CovariateAverage shift in HSMR
Severity main diagnosis2.25
Source of admission0.99
Month of admission0.13
*The comorbidities were deleted as one group and not separately.

4.4 Model evaluation for the 158 regression analyses

Table 4.4.1 presents numbers of admissions and deaths, and C-statistics for the 158 diagnosis groups. The C-statistic is explained in section 3.6.2. Overall the C-statistics have changed little compared to the previous model. Only three C-statistics show a moderate increase: an increase from 0.94 to 0.99 for “Cancer of testis and other male genital organs” (24), an increase from 0.88 to 0.92 for “Cystic fibrosis” (43) and an increase from 0.86 to 0.91 for “Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium; liveborn” (118). All other changes are smaller than 0.04, with most below 0.02. For 67 diagnosis groups the C-statistic did not change compared to last year. 

Only two of the 158 diagnosis groups have a C-statistic below 0.70: “Congestive heart failure, nonhypertensive” (70), and “Aspiration pneumonitis; food/vomitus” (84). For the diagnosis groups with a C-statistic below 0.70, the model’s ability to explain patient mortality is less than ‘good’. This increases the risk that the model does not completely correct for population differences between the hospitals. For the highest scoring diagnosis groups (0.90 and above) the covariates strongly reduce the uncertainty in predicting patient mortality. In 2023, 65 diagnosis groups had a C-statistic above or equal to 0.90, compared to 64 diagnosis groups in 2022.

As mentioned in chapter 2 and section 3.4, it was decided not to change the model for COVID-19 compared to last year - except for adding year of discharge as we now have two years of data in the model (2022 and 2023). Only in case the model quality would deteriorate significantly (resulting in a C-statistic <0.7), we would consider changing the model. As the C-statistic has decreased only slightly from 0.75 to 0.74 (see table 4.4.1), we did not change the COVID-19 model. However, as we only use additive models (without interactions) in calculating the HSMR, the present two year’s COVID-19 model with month of admission and year of discharge does not capture all of the differences in the COVID-19 waves between 2022 and 2023 (the months at which they occurred differ and the COVID-19 variants differ; see section 3.4). As the C-statistic of the present two year’s model is almost the same as in the previous one year model, this had little effect on the model quality. 

4.4.1 C-statistics for the logistic regressions of the 158 main diagnosis groups, HSMR 2023 model
Diag. group no.Description of diagnosis groupNumber
Number of deathsC-statistic
1Tuberculosis 1,469 48 0.87
2Septicemia (except in labor) 11,348 3,312 0.72
3Bacterial infection, unspecified site 10,059 664 0.80
4Mycoses 2,674 329 0.78
5HIV infection 725 23 0.83
6Hepatitis, viral and other infections 23,166 299 0.93
7Cancer of head and neck 14,475 239 0.90
8Cancer of esophagus 9,516 584 0.78
9Cancer of stomach 10,082 439 0.82
10Cancer of colon 41,039 1,098 0.83
11Cancer of rectum and anus 16,514 383 0.86
12Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile duct 7,354 466 0.82
13Cancer of pancreas 16,006 899 0.81
14Cancer of other GI organs, peritoneum 8,565 375 0.80
15Cancer of bronchus, lung 44,395 4,074 0.80
16Cancer, other respiratory and intrathoracic 2,061 140 0.82
17Cancer of bone and connective tissue 8,034 94 0.92
18Melanomas of skin and other
non-epithelial cancer of skin
5,724 111 0.94
19Cancer of breast 37,178 371 0.97
20Cancer of uterus 9,049 126 0.94
21Cancer of cervix and other female genital organs 10,015 87 0.93
22Cancer of ovary 7,717 239 0.85
23Cancer of prostate 24,785 326 0.94
24Cancer of testis and other male genital organs 6,375 5 0.99
25Cancer of bladder 53,078 431 0.93
26Cancer of kidney, renal pelvis
and other urinary organs
15,520 288 0.89
27Cancer of brain and nervous system 11,590 234 0.78
28Cancer of thyroid 6,060 51 0.98
29Hodgkin`s disease 1,701 42 0.92
30Non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma 22,872 961 0.83
31Leukemias 21,318 1,201 0.80
32Multiple myeloma 9,963 438 0.80
33Cancer, other and unspec. primary,
maintenance chemotherapy and radioth.
4,413 110 0.90
34Secondary malignancies 77,034 4,179 0.77
35Malignant neoplasm without
specification of site
2,151 345 0.81
36Neoplasms of unspecified
nature or uncertain behavior
10,936 214 0.88
37Other and unspecified benign neoplasm 61,439 117 0.85
38Thyroid and other endocrine disorders 22,886 234 0.90
39Diabetes mellitus without complication 12,486 137 0.87
40Diabetes mellitus with complications 23,253 498 0.85
41Nutritional deficiencies and other nutritional,
endocrine, and metabolic disorders
53,923 492 0.94
42Fluid and electrolyte disorders 31,935 923 0.84
43Cystic fibrosis 1,460 7 0.92
44Immunity and coagulation disorders,
hemorrhagic disorders
10,393 182 0.88
45Deficiency and other anemia 47,701 492 0.79
46Diseases of white blood cells 8,986 256 0.77
47Mental, affective, anxiety, somatoform,
dissociative, and personality disorders
19,611 58 0.90
48Senility and organic mental disorders 10,183 568 0.71
49Schizophrenia, mental retardation, preadult
disorders and other mental cond.
6,040 21 0.94
50Other psychoses 2,526 21 0.88
51Meningitis, encephalitis, and
other central nervous system infections
9,537 567 0.88
52Parkinson`s disease 4,915 96 0.84
53Multiple sclerosis and other
degenerative nervous
system conditions
10,761 282 0.90
54Paralysis and late effects of cerebrovascular disease 3,404 56 0.88
55Epilepsy and convulsions 41,641 601 0.88
56Coma, stupor, and brain damage 1,956 189 0.91
57Headache and other disorders of the sense organs 55,486 43 0.92
58Other nervous system disorders 43,877 395 0.93
59Heart valve disorders 35,800 813 0.78
60Peri-, endo-, myocarditis, and cardiomyopathy 21,043 630 0.87
61Essential hypertension,
hypertension with compl.,
and secondary hypertension
12,163 120 0.95
62Acute myocardial infarction 135,542 3,404 0.85
63Coronary atherosclerosis and other heart disease 94,141 720 0.84
64Nonspecific chest pain 132,899 38 0.91
65Pulmonary heart disease 30,495 1,056 0.79
66Other and ill-defined heart disease 1,232 100 0.87
67Conduction disorders (heart disease) 24,861 399 0.87
68Cardiac dysrhythmias 165,244 741 0.90
69Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation 15,705 5,727 0.75
70Congestive heart failure, nonhypertensive 127,317 10,160 0.66
71Acute cerebrovascular disease 156,017 13,090 0.80
72Transient cerebral ischemia,
and other cerebrovascular disease
41,809 302 0.90
73Peripheral and visceral atherosclerosis 46,722 1,970 0.90
74Aortic and other artery aneurysms 26,933 2,448 0.89
75Aortic and arterial embolism or thrombosis 10,350 425 0.85
76Other circulatory disease 29,698 580 0.86
77Phlebitis, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids 9,970 134 0.88
78Pneumonia 106,470 9,005 0.75
79Influenza 17,964 790 0.80
80Tonsillitis and upper respiratory infections 43,513 68 0.92
81Acute bronchitis 28,885 89 0.94
82Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease and bronchiectasis
97,218 6,261 0.70
83Asthma 22,981 92 0.91
84Aspiration pneumonitis, food/vomitus 7,936 1,671 0.64
85Pleurisy, pneumothorax, pulmonary collapse 21,468 620 0.82
86Respiratory failure, insufficiency, arrest 4,983 1,533 0.73
87Lung disease due to external agents 1,738 165 0.76
88Other lower respiratory disease 24,590 1,017 0.88
89Other upper respiratory disease 43,770 292 0.89
90Intestinal infection 43,128 518 0.88
91Disorders of mouth, teeth, and jaw 19,880 53 0.96
92Esophageal disorders 11,550 133 0.89
93Gastroduodenal ulcer 5,124 225 0.91
94Gastritis, duodenitis,
and other disorders of stomach and duodenum
7,230 90 0.87
95Appendicitis and other
appendiceal conditions
69,811 79 0.96
96Peritonitis and intestinal abscess 5,103 376 0.81
97Abdominal hernia 42,280 505 0.90
98Regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis 16,929 62 0.95
99Intestinal obstruction without hernia 32,890 1,556 0.82
100Diverticulosis and diverticulitis 35,201 531 0.91
101Anal and rectal conditions 21,025 55 0.94
102Biliary tract disease 106,813 1,043 0.89
103Liver disease, alcohol-related 7,404 934 0.72
104Other liver diseases 18,231 1,109 0.81
105Pancreatic disorders (not diabetes) 36,807 888 0.83
106Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 35,841 1,047 0.80
107Noninfectious gastroenteritis 10,431 234 0.80
108Other gastrointestinal disorders 32,423 783 0.94
109Nephritis, nephrosis, renal sclerosis 14,317 117 0.90
110Acute and unspecified renal failure 14,545 1,015 0.77
111Chronic kidney disease 12,972 431 0.87
112Urinary tract infections 95,678 2,853 0.77
113Calculus and other diseases of urinary tract 76,682 186 0.92
114Genitourinary symptoms and
ill-defined conditions
25,702 148 0.87
115Hyperplasia of prostate
and other male genital disorders
41,866 59 0.94
116Non-neoplastic breast conditions 11,115 3 0.99
117Prolapse and other female
genital disorders
58,892 39 0.99
118Complications of pregnancy,
childbirth, and the puerperium, liveborn
541,603 15 0.91
119Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections 54,104 847 0.89
120Other skin disorders, chronic ulcer of skin 16,191 224 0.92
121Infective arthritis
and osteomyelitis
13,930 327 0.90
122Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
and other musculoskeletal deformities
228,065 173 0.94
123Other non-traumatic
joint disorders
9,770 32 0.93
124Spondylosis, back problems, and osteoporosis 79,768 190 0.96
125Pathological fracture 4,798 80 0.83
126Other connective tissue disease 28,254 307 0.96
127Cardiac and circulatory
congenital anomalies
8,839 153 0.89
128Noncardiac congenital anomalies 25,422 167 0.94
129Short gestation, low birth weight,
and fetal growth retardation
77,344 493 0.86
130Intrauterine hypoxia,
perinatal asphyxia, and jaundice
61,431 226 0.95
131Other perinatal conditions 228,985 227 0.95
132Joint disorders and dislocations,
trauma-related, sprains and strains
18,146 32 0.97
133Fracture of neck of femur (hip) 89,111 2,811 0.80
134Skull and face fractures, spinal cord injury 11,095 224 0.90
135Fracture of upper limb 40,440 137 0.95
136Fracture of lower limb 49,375 306 0.94
137Other fractures 43,975 1,088 0.85
138Intracranial injury 39,809 2,851 0.76
139Crushing injury or internal injury 20,146 422 0.91
140Open wounds of head, neck, and trunk 5,471 57 0.87
141Open wounds of extremities 4,948 36 0.93
142Complication of device, implant or graft 96,912 1,370 0.87
143Complications of surgical
procedures or medical care
98,727 912 0.85
144Superficial injury, contusion 56,502 489 0.92
145Burns 3,657 80 0.92
146Poisoning by psychotropic agents,
drugs, or other medications
35,827 355 0.86
147Other injuries and
conditions due to external causes
13,653 727 0.89
148Syncope 40,937 129 0.85
149Fever of other and unknown origin 17,374 86 0.82
150Lymphadenitis and gangrene 3,735 20 0.96
151Shock 1,315 507 0.74
152Nausea and vomiting 10,956 58 0.87
153Abdominal pain 34,503 95 0.94
154Malaise and fatigue 8,482 150 0.79
155Allergic reactions 10,270 34 0.95
156Rehabilitation and other aftercare,
medical examination/evaluation/screening
69,654 227 0.84
157Residual codes, unclassified 28,159 165 0.95
158COVID-19 44,440 4,124 0.74

4.5 Regression coefficients

The file “coefficients HSMR 2023.xls” contains the estimated regression coefficients (columns “Estimate”), also called “log-odds”, for each of the 158 logistic regressions, as well as their standard errors (columns “Std. Err.”). The estimated regression coefficients are the elements of the estimate of vector 𝛽d in the formula for  p̂dhi (see section 3.6.1), for each diagnosis d. Notice that a β-coefficient has to be interpreted as the difference in log-odds between the category in question and the reference category (first category of the same covariate). For the sake of clarity, the reference categories are given in the first row of the corresponding covariates and these have by definition a zero coefficient for each regression. 

In many cases categories are collapsed (see section 3.6.2). This results in equal coefficients for the collapsed categories. If all categories were collapsed into one category for a certain variable and for a certain diagnosis group (i.e. if there was only one category with ≥50 admissions and ≥1 death), the variable was dropped from the model and all associated coefficients were set to zero. Therefore, the coefficients in the file “coefficients HSMR 2023” can be used directly to calculate mortality probabilities, with the exception of two of the Charlson comorbidities (Comorbidity 17 and Comorbidity 11). If Charlson comorbidity 17 (Severe liver disease) contains <50 admissions or no mortality, it is collapsed with Charlson comorbidity 9 (Liver disease). In this case the coefficient of Comorbidity 17 is set to zero. When a patient has both comorbidities, it counts as only one comorbidity. Therefore, when the coefficient of Comorbidity 17 is zero in the coefficients file, one should first recode all Charlson 17 comorbidities to Comorbidity 9 and use the coefficient of Comorbidity 9. The same holds for Charlson 11 (Diabetes complications) when it is collapsed with Charlson 10 (Diabetes).