HSMR 2022 Methodological Report
About this publication
Statistics Netherlands has calculated The Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (HSMRs) for Dutch hospitals for the period 2020-2022. This report describes the methods that were used.
The following files are made available in the Appendix: the Excel file ‘Statistical significance of covariates HSMR 2022 model’ presents the statistical significance (95% confidence) of the covariates for the 158 logistic regressions; the Excel file ‘Classification of variables HSMR 2022’ contains the classifications used for the diagnosis groups, severity of main diagnosis, socio-economic status and source of admission and; the Excel file ‘Coefficients HSMR 2022’ contains the coefficients and standard errors of the HSMR model by diagnosis group.
In chapter 2 the changes compared to previous HSMR calculations are described. The largest change in the present HSMR model is that for reporting year 2022 the admissions with COVID-19 as main diagnosis have been included. COVID-19 admissions of 2020 and 2021 are excluded from the HSMR 2020-2022, like in previous HSMR calculations. In chapter 4 the quality of the present HSMR model is evaluated and the effect of including COVID-19 admissions on the HSMRs 2022 is described.
HSMR 2022 outcomes are published by the hospitals (31 December 2023 at the latest), on the websites of the individual hospitals.