Investment radar

The Investment Radar is an instrument developed by Statistics Netherlands to analyse developments in investment and place them in some sort of context.

Source: Statistics Netherlands
Inside the dotted line: less favourable than average.

Outside the dotted line: more favourable than average.

Investment climate more unfavourable

According to February’s Investment Radar, the investment climate in the Netherlands was more unfavourable than in the previous month. New data have become available for all indicators. Three indicators deteriorated, three improved. Circumstances relevant for investments are, on the one hand, the situation on the sales markets, and on the other hand, the availability of financial means. Although the Radar indicators show a strong correlation with investments in fixed assets, improved circumstances are not necessarily translated into a higher growth or a smaller decline of investments.

Manufacturers were less negative about their order positions and the industrial capacity utilization rate slightly rose. The year-on-year increase in share prices was larger. However, the year-on-year exports growth was smaller and consumer confidence deteriorated. The interbank interest rate increased.

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