Discussion papers

Discussion papers are reviewed papers on research in the field of official statistics, with an emphasis on methods. Sometimes they are also published in a scientific journal. They do not contain official CBS figures.


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  1. Triadic Pattern Detection on Inter-Industry Production Networks
  2. Modelling mobility trends - update including 2023 ODiN data
  3. Mode-specific measurement biases and selection biases in health statistics
  4. Deep learning for time series forecasting and nowcasting
  5. A smart Travel Survey. Results of a push-to-smart field experiment in the Netherlands
  6. Experiences with mixed-mode surveys in times of COVID-19 at Statistics Netherlands
  7. COVID-19 hospitalizations: fostering decision-making in future pandemics
  8. Transition to homeownership in the Netherlands
  9. Structural Time Series Models for Consumer Confidence indicators
  10. NNPF: Neural Network Particle Filter for Time Series Data
  11. An attempt to measuring fossil fuel subsidies by way of official statistics
  12. Publishing and interpreting data from the monetary SEEA Ecosystem accounts
  13. Exploring the GK price index