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10423 results for leap year
10423 results for leap year

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Life expectancy forecast for 65-year-olds: 20.89 years in 2029

According to current projections by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the life expectancy of 65-year-olds will stand at 20.89 years in 2029.


Increase in share of status holders in education after 5 years

Among those with a temporary asylum residence permit (known as status holders) who were granted residency in 2017 and 2018, 38 percent were in education five years later.


Number of vintage cars up by a quarter in last five years

The Netherlands now has more classic cars – cars that are 40 years old or more


Macroeconomic statistics revised for reporting year 2021

On 23 May 2024, CBS and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) published the first results of the revision of the Dutch macroeconomic statistics


Population dynamics; month and year

Population dynamics Periods


Timeline 125 years of population censuses

One of the most fascinating and longstanding CBS statistics is the population census of the Netherlands.


More 15 and 16-year-olds in paid work

The number of young people aged 15-26 in paid work increased by 34 thousand in Q4 2023 compared to the same quarter one year earlier.


Obesity rate has tripled in the last 40 years

In 2023, 16 percent of adults aged 20 years or older were obese


Statistics Netherlands reviews the year 2023

Statistics Netherlands reviews the year 2023.


Young adults more likely to live with parents than 20 years ago

An increasing share of young adults aged 18 to 29 years are still living with one or both parents.


From 9 to 15 percent renewable energy over four years

Between 2019 and 2022, the share of renewable energy in the Netherlands rose from 9 to 15 percent.


Chinese goods imports down for first time in 7 years

In 2023, the import value of Chinese goods was nearly 17 percent lower than in 2022.


CBS: gauge of Dutch society for 125 years

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) celebrates its 125th anniversary this month.


Caribbean Netherlands; labour participation, young people (15-24 years)

Labour force, unemployment rate, labour participation Young people (15-24 years), sex, in education or not, Caribbean NL


Dutch census has been digital for 40 years

Censuses are the oldest official statistic produced by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


More electric and hybrid car imports in recent years

In 2022, a total of 304 thousand passenger cars were exported, nearly 2 percent fewer than in the previous year. The Netherlands imported 249 thousand cars, representing a decline of more than 15...


Quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds overweight

In 2022, 17 percent of all children and young people in the Netherlands aged 2 to 24 years were overweight.


Average retirement age of employees: 65 years and 8 months

In 2022, a total of 84 thousand employees in the Netherlands went into retirement, 12 percent less than in the previous year.


Trust in Parliament at 10-year low

In the last quarter of 2022, 25 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over had confidence in the lower house of Dutch Parliament, the so-called Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives).


Number of youth care recipients stable last year

In 2022, 467 thousand young people in the Netherlands received some form of youth care. This is approximately the same number as in the previous year. It means that 10.5 percent of all young people...


Gas consumption down by 17% year on year in the period July - October

Over the period July to October 2022 inclusive, total natural gas consumption in the Netherlands stood at 7.3 billion cubic metres. This is 17 percent less than in the same period last year.


More women than men in higher education for 23 consecutive years

In the 2021/’22 academic year, universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands had altogether 443,000 female students attending against 393 thousand male students.


Agricultural emissions lower than in 1995, no more decline in recent years

In 2021, most types of agricultural emissions were lower than in 1995, in spite of higher agricultural output. Reduction of greenhouse gas and nitrogen emissions has stagnated in recent years.


Life expectancy forecast for 65-year-olds: 21.05 years in 2028

According to current projections by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the life expectancy of 65-year-olds will stand at 21.05 years in 2028.


Three years of COVID-19 in figures

How has the country been affected by the pandemic? Aside from distinct waves of excess mortality, there were numerous other outliers in national statistics.
