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age at which people die in the Netherlands
Psychological complaints in girls and older women
In 2014, more than 1 in 10 Dutch people aged 12 or up suffered from psychological complaints. Women had more mental health problems than men. In particular girls between 16 and 20 and older women...
Number of households will grow by 50 thousand annually until 2025
Until 2025, the number of households in the Netherlands will grow by 630 thousand to 8.2 million, as the household survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands shows. The annual increase by 50 thousand...
Emigrants in their fifties and sixties wealthier than same-age Dutch residents
Dutch people who emigrate between the ages of 50 and 70 are on average richer than their peers who stayed in the Netherlands.
Older singles more often unhealthy
More than 8 percent of people in the age category 50-80 who have a partner are in poor physical or mental health. This percentage is much lower than for divorced, widowed or never-married people in...
Few widow(er)s remarry
One in five people who marry nowadays have been married before.