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6 results for keyword:water companies
6 results for keyword:water companies
Water Accounts for the Netherlands
Compilation of Physical Supply and Use tables, Asset Accounts and Policy Indicators for Water 2018-2020
Households used more water in 2020, companies less
In 2020, mains water consumption in the Netherlands was up by more than 2.5 percent on the previous year.
Improving water statistics and water accounts
Improving water statistics and water accounts on groundwater use and industrial water use.
Savings in groundwater and tap water use
In spite of the increase in the population, the amount of tap water used by Dutch households hardly changed in the period 1990-2009.
Dutch use less water
Consumption of tap water in the Netherlands fell slightly between 2003 and 2006. Although the population increased, water consumption did not. Industrial tap water consumption fell by 2 percent less...