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6 results for keyword:waiting lists
6 results for keyword:waiting lists

Nearly one-quarter of Dutch prepared to donate their organs

Nearly one-quarter in the population aged 12 years and older have given explicit permission for their organs or tissues to be donated after death. More women than men have given permission for organ...


Concurrence of regulations and provisions within the municipalities of Stichtse Vecht and Weesp, 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on the concurrence of various regulations and provisions in the field of social security, health care and welfare, and education in 2012 in the municipalities of Stichtse Vecht and...


Participation Act benchmark statistics (Dutch only)

Tables with information about the new target groups of the Participation Act, to come into effect on 1 January 2015. Commissioned by: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.


Provinces invest 1.1 billion euro in youth welfare

Provincial authorities have estimated the youth welfare budget for 2011 at 1.1 billion euro, i.e. 11 percent of their total provincial budget. Thus, child and youth welfare is one of the main tasks...
