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59 results for keyword:transport
59 results for keyword:transport

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Less domestic road haulage in 2023

In 2023, Dutch lorries carried a total weight of 642 million tonnes of goods.


Nearly 12 percent less freight transported by rail in 2023

A total of 39.3 million tonnes of goods were transported by rail in the Netherlands in 2023.


Fewer goods transported by inland vessels in 2023

Over 327 million tonnes of goods were transported by inland vessels on Dutch inland waterways in 2023


Import value of transport services 32 percent up in first half of 2022

In the first six months of 2022, Dutch companies and consumers imported 22.7 billion euros in foreign transport services, i.e. nearly 32 percent more than in the first half of 2021.


Dutch road hauliers carried record weight in 2021

In 2021, Dutch road hauliers transported 702 million tonnes of goods, 2.6 percent more than in 2020.


Over 6 percent less rail transport in 2020

Last year, 40 million tonnes of goods were transported by rail in the Netherlands. This is 6.2 percent less than in 2019.


More goods transported by Dutch lorries in 2018

In 2018, Dutch lorries carried a total of 680 million tonnes of goods. This is 2.1 percent more than in the previous year. Both national and international transport to and from the Netherlands by...


CBS and Venlo have launched Urban Data Centre

CBS and the city of Venlo are collaborating in the collection of regional and local data.


Transport and mobility 2016

Many aspects of mobility and goods transport are addressed.


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

Is it possible to combine new data sources, like road sensors in motorways, GPS data and camera footage with information from questionnaires?


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

CBS now makes statistics about road traffic intensities purely on the basis of road sensors


CO2 emissions grow much faster than Dutch economy

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands grow faster than the country’s economy. In the third quarter of 2015, CO2 emissions were 6.8 percent up from one year previously.


More cars, fewer freight vehicles

The number of cars has increased sharply this century: from over 6.3 million in 2000 to nearly 8 million in 2015, a 25 percent increase. Motorcycle and moped numbers also increased, but freight...


Removal companies in the lift after crisis in the transport sector

Removal companies realised almost 6 percent more turnover in the first quarter of 2015 than in the same quarter of 2014. This meant that turnover increased for six quarters in a rowTurnover in the...


Longer life, but more years with a physical disability

Although Dutch people are living to older ages, they are no longer doing so in perfect health. The number of years they have to cope with a physical disability is increasing. These are mostly minor...


Small positive result for transport sector

Turnover generated by the transport sector in the second quarter of 2013 was 0.5 percent up from the same period last year. Airlines and courier firms were the main contributors to the positive...


Slightly fewer jobs

In the first quarter of 2012, the number of jobs of employees was 13 thousand down on the first quarter of 2011, a decrease of 0.2 percent.


Many strikers engaged in short actions in 2011

There were 17 strikes in the Netherlands last year. As a result, 22 thousand working days were lost. In just over half of cases, the actions were only short and relatively few working days were lost...


More and more East European transporters active in the Netherlands

East European – in particular Polish – transport companies are increasingly active in the Netherlands. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands is the fifth largest exporter of transport...


No further employment growth

In the third quarter of this year, the number of employee jobs grew by 28 thousand relative to the third quarter of 2010, i.e. a modest increase by 0.3 percent.


Number of jobs up by 33 thousand

In the third quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees was 33 thousand higher than in the same quarter of 2010, an increase by 0.4 percent.


More than 80 percent of international road transport to Belgium and Germany

Dutch international road transport mainly carries goods to regions just across the Dutch border. More than 80 percent of international road transport was loaded up or unloaded in Germany or Belgium...
