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Timeline 125 years of population censuses
One of the most fascinating and longstanding CBS statistics is the population census of the Netherlands. The growth of the Dutch population has been as impressive as the evolution of CBS itself:...
Vulnerable groups at the core of The Hague local policy
The use of data is in line with the government’s growing preference for knowledge-based policies
Fewer social security claimants find work
The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.
Fewer job vacancies
At the end of September 2011, there were 133 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 4 thousand fewer than at the end of June. The number of job vacancies had grown continuously over the five preceding...
More job vacancies
The number of job vacancies has increased further. At the end of March, there were 135 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 7 thousand more than at the end of December. The private sector accounted entirely...
High proportion of benefit recipients in provinces of Limburg and Groningen
The number of people relying on social security varies widely across the Dutch provinces.
Unemployment rising further
In the period September – November 2009, seasonally adjusted unemployment stood at 412 thousand, an increase by 9 thousand relative to the period August - October.
Number of jobs plummets
The number of jobs of employees was 143 thousand lower in the third quarter of 2009 than one year previously.
Unemployment rises further
In the period July – September 2009, seasonally adjusted unemployment stood at 398 thousand, an increase of 10 thouisand relative to the period June - August.
Unemployment rises further
In the period June – August 2009, seasonally adjusted unemployment stood at 386 thousand, an increase of 15 thouisand relative to the period May - July.
Fewer people claiming benefits
For the first time in ten years, the number of people in the Netherlands claiming a social benefit has decreased across the board.
International trade
Theme International trade
Trade, hotels and restaurants
Theme Trade, hotels and restaurants