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120 results for keyword:social benefits
120 results for keyword:social benefits

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Monthly labour participation and unemployment

Employed, unemployed and not included in labour force according to international definition by sex and age


Again more people in paid employment in April

From February to April, the number of people in work aged 15 to 74 years grew further by 38 thousand per month on average, to 9.5 million in April.


Number of employed further up

In August 2021, 69.5 percent of 15 to 74-year-olds were in employment, a new record in labour participation.


Unemployment decline sharpest among young people

In July 2021, 289 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.1 percent of the labour force.


160 thousand fewer employed in April

In April, the number of people in paid employment fell by 160 thousand to 8.9 million. A decline of this magnitude within one month has not occurred since compilation of monthly figures started...


Number of social security claimants stable

The number of social security claimants has not grown further during the third quarter of 2014; at the end of September, 430 thousand people received social security benefits.


Fewer social security claimants find work

The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.


Flows in social security benefits (Dutch only)

Custom-made table with figures on claimants of a disability benefit for young people (Wajong), income support benefit (WWB) and people in working in a social employment scheme (WSW), in combination...


Slight rise in use of government websites

In the first half of 2013, some 13 million people aged 12 years and older in the Netherlands were using the internet on a regular basis. This is the equivalent of more than 90 percent of this age...


Marginal unemployment growth

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 2 thousand in September to reach 685 thousand, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment down in August

According to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment fell to 683 thousand in August, i.e. 8.6 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment further up

According to the latest figures published by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment grew by 16 thousand in June 2013 to reach 675 thousand.


Unemployment rises further in May

Unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 9 thousand in May, to 659 thousand persons.


Sharp growth number of social security recipients

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, 390 thousand under-65s received social security benefits at the end of March, i.e. an increase by 11 thousand relative to the...


Municipal expenditure down for third consecutive year

Municipal spending exceeded 52 billion euros in 2012, i.e. nearly 1 billion euros down from 2011. Municipal spending declined for the third year in a row and was 3.8 billion below the level of 2009.


Unemployment rises to over 8 percent

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 30 thousand in March, to 643 thousand people.Figures published by UWV – the...


Rapid unemployment growth continues in February

The most recent figures show that unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation grew by 21 thousand in February to 613 thousand


Number of income support benefits continues to grow

According to the most recent figures 325 thousand income support benefits were granted to people under the age of 65 by the end of December last year, i.e. an increase by 9 thousand relative to one...


Notable increase WW benefits in Randstad region

The share of unemployment (WW) and income support benefit recipients has grown during the past half decade. The number of WW recipients has risen by 77 percent. The increase was relatively large in...


Non-financial companies pay out record amount in dividends

Dutch companies quoted on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange paid out nearly 17 billion euro in dividends to their shareholders last year. The total dividend payout is almost back at the level prior to the...


One in ten AOW benefits granted to people living abroad

Part of Dutch social benefits are paid to people living outside the Netherlands; 10 percent of all AOW benefits are paid to people living abroad.
