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7 results for keyword:single parent family
7 results for keyword:single parent family

more and more underage children live with one parent

Nearly 15 percent of all underage children in the Netherlands lived in a one-parent family in 2014. Families within which children grow up have changed in the last fifteen years. More 0-17-year-olds...


Expats: who are they? (Dutch only)

Although the term expat is well-known, no universal definition of this group of foreign employees is available. Statistics Netherlands has published a research paper, exploring the possibility to...


One in seven underage children live in a single-parent family

The population of the Netherlands includes 3.5 million underage children. One in seven of these children live with just one parent. This proportion varies strongly between municipalities.


Nearly half a million single parents in the Netherlands

As more married and unmarried couples with children decide to split up, the number of single parents in the Netherlands continues to grow.


Children from one-parent families more likely to switch to lower school type

Eleven percent of pupils in the first year of one of the vocational tracks of preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) who did not repeat a year had advanced to a higher type of education...
