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Amount saved in life course schemes exceeds 5 billion euros
The total amount outstanding in life course savings schemes exceeded 5 billion euros is in 2012. Deposits are lower than last year, withdrawals used to finance a period of unpaid leave are higher...
Schools eat into their financial reserves
For the second year running, schools in primary and secondary education face a deficit. The 2011 deficit amounted to 171 million euros, versus 190 million euros one year previously.
Dutch homes worth twice as much as total mortgage debt
The overall mortgage debt in the Netherlands amounted to nearly 670 billion euro at the end of 2011. At 111 percent of the gross domestic product, it is the highest mortgage debt in the eurozone. On...
Bank savings more popular
The total balance in bank savings accounts of Dutch households was more than 7 billion euro on 31 December 2010. This is nearly three times the amount in these accounts twelve months previously.
Bank savings schemes more popular
The aggregate amount deposited in bank savings accounts by Dutch households exceeded 2.4 billion euro at the end of 2009, approximately a fourfold increase relative to twelve months ago.
Less paid into company savings schemes
Dutch employees deposited a total 783 million euro in accounts for life course savings schemes in 2008. This is more than 7 percent less than in 2007.
Popularity online saving further down
The aggregate amount deposited by Dutch households in online savings accounts exceeded 55 billion euro by the end of 2008, i.e. 11 billion down on the end of 2007.
Vocational education suffers loss as a result of civic integration
From a financial point of view, 2007 was a poor year for vocational and adult education in the Netherlands. The financial position of regional training centres (Regionale Opleidingscentra, or ROCs),...
Online saving less popular
Last year, the average Dutch household had deposited 9,000 euro in Internet savings accounts, as against more than 10,000 euro at the end of 2006.
Company savings schemes less popular
Employees deposited 1.1 billion euro in company savings schemes accounts in 2006. This is 0.3 billion euro less than in 2005.
Online saving very popular
Internet saving was booming in 2004. The total amount in Internet savings accounts exceeded 58 billion euro, 37 percent more than in 2003.
Almost 200 billion euro in Dutch savings accounts
The savings of private individuals reached almost 200 billion euro in 2004. People put almost 11 billion euro more into their savings accounts than they took out. Outstanding debt on consumer credit...