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Special purpose bank savings as a popular alternative
Dutch households had nearly 11 billion euro deposited in special purpose bank savings products on 31 December 2011. This is nearly 5 billion euro (over 80 percent) more than the year before and...
Reversal of consumer confidence among highest incomes
Consumer confidence in the Netherlands has fallen substantially in the space of one year: from -5 in the first quarter of 2011 to -36 in the second quarter of 2012. Among people with the highest...
Dutch dedicated savers
The Dutch hold a positive attitude towards saving. In April 2011, the proportion of Dutch consumers who thought their financial situation would allow them to put money aside in the next 12 months was...
Bank savings schemes more popular
The aggregate amount deposited in bank savings accounts by Dutch households exceeded 2.4 billion euro at the end of 2009, approximately a fourfold increase relative to twelve months ago.
Dutch among the most positive Europeans
After the Fins, the Swedes and the Danes, the Dutch are Europe’s most optimistic consumers. The relatively high level of consumer confidence in the Netherlands was mainly based on positive...
Dutch convinced saving is worthwhile
In the last thirty years, more and more Dutch consumers have been thinking more positively about putting money into savings accounts. Together with Denmark and Luxembourg, the Netherlands is now one...
Online saving less popular
Last year, the average Dutch household had deposited 9,000 euro in Internet savings accounts, as against more than 10,000 euro at the end of 2006.
Almost 200 billion euro in Dutch savings accounts
The savings of private individuals reached almost 200 billion euro in 2004. People put almost 11 billion euro more into their savings accounts than they took out. Outstanding debt on consumer credit...