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5 results for keyword:rental prices
5 results for keyword:rental prices

Rent increases the highest in over 30 years

Rents for properties in the Netherlands were an average of 5.4 percent higher in July 2024 than in July 2023.


Consumer prices; rent increase for dwellings since 1959

The average rent increase for dwellings in the Netherlands since 1959


Housing costs in the Netherlands higher than in most EU countries

People in the Netherlands spend an average of 23 percent of their disposable income on a place to live, which is the sixth highest proportion in the European Union


House rents up by 3 percent on average

As of 1 July 2022, housing rental prices in the Netherlands were on average 3.0 percent higher than one year previously. It is the sharpest increase since 2014.


Largest rent increase in six years

As of July 2020, housing rents went up by an average of 2.9 percent year-on-year. This is the largest increase since 2014, exceeding the average over the past ten years (2.7 percent).
