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Marriage dissolutions; due to divorce and death
Marriage dissolutions due to divorce and death, average age
Data scouting in coronavirus times
Data scouting in coronavirus times
Half of cohabitants still together after 15 years
Of all couples who first started cohabiting in 2000, 53 percent were still living together 15 years later. Almost all of the couples who were still united had one or more children together, while 80...
4 in 10 adults describe their stepfather as father
Nearly 1 in 5 adults born 1971-1991 did not live with both parents during childhood.Three-quarters went through parental divorce. Over 4 in 10 describe their stepfather as their father, 2 in 10 are...
Professor at CBS investigating impact of urban life
research on urban areas and urban problems
Almost 90 percent say they are happy
Most Dutch are happy. Increased happiness perceptions are related to good health and a good relationship.
Investment by company size, in accordance with National Accounts totals 2011 and 2012 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on investment in material and immaterial assetsby company size in accordance with National Accounts totals for 2011 and 2012. Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)
Positive about their homes, negative about their financial situation
The majority of adults in the Netherlands are satisfied with life in general. They are the most positive about the homes they live in, the least positive about their financial situation.
Number of households will grow by 50 thousand annually until 2025
Until 2025, the number of households in the Netherlands will grow by 630 thousand to 8.2 million, as the household survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands shows. The annual increase by 50 thousand...
Report on recovery of partner maintenance (Dutch only)
This report describes the recovery of partner maintenance. Based on data from the LBIO.Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
Report on child maintenance monitoring (Dutch only)
This report describes the recovery of child maintenance. Based on data from the LBIO.Commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
Growing up in Diversity - Monitoring ethnic diversity in youth policy, second results (Dutch only)
A description of the results of the diversity in youth policy monitor. Commissioned by: ZonMw.
Job and language competence important factors for identification
Command of the Dutch language is an important identification factor for people with a non-western background. Participation on the labour market is also conducive to identification with the...