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49 results for keyword:re-exports
49 results for keyword:re-exports

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Goods exports to the UK have fallen behind since Brexit

Goods exports from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom have fallen behind exports to other countries since the UK left the European Union.


International trade and transit trade; value, weight, goods, transport mode

International trade, transport, transit trade Continents, NSTR chapters, flow types, value and weight


Re-exports higher than domestic exports in 2022

In 2022, the Netherlands exported 731.4 billion euros worth of goods, of which 368.3 billion euros concerned re-exports.


60 percent of inbound goods leave the Netherlands again

The total gross weight of goods which entered the Netherlands from abroad in 2018 amounted to 628 billion kg. This was 0.4 percent more than in 2017


Agricultural exports hit record level

Agricultural exports amounted to an estimated 94.5 billion euros in 2019. This is 4.6 percent more than in 2018 and the highest level on record.


Trade deficit with US due to re-exports

In 2016, the Netherlands’ goods trade deficit with the US hit 12 billion euros, i.e. Dutch imports of goods exceeded exports. The trade deficit can be attributed almost entirely to large re-export...


International trade; imports and exports, SITC 3, country, 1996-2017

Import and export value of goods; according to SITC classification (3 digit) and country (groups).


GDP, output and expenditures; value, QNA, 1995-2017

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Values at current prices and chainlinked volume 2010 prices


Germany accounts for 30 percent of Dutch steel exports

Germany is the largest market for Dutch steel exports.


Smartphone most imported high-tech product

The Netherlands imported more than 15 billion euros worth of smartphones in 2016.


Netherlands second largest avocado importer worldwide

The Netherlands' imports of avocados reached a record high in 2016 at 433 milion euros.


Trade surplus excluding re-exports €20 billion lower

The Netherlands had a goods trade surplus of 52 billion euros in 2016.


Half of all inbound goods destined for other countries

The development of goods flows to and from the Netherlands in 2015: imports, exports, transit trade, re-exports.


Contribution of re-exports doubled over past 20 years

Re-exports of goods have become increasingly important for the Dutch economy over the past decades.


Greater demand for Dutch products outside EU

Figures published by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today show that exports of Dutch products to countries outside the EU have more than doubled over the past decade.


economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in January 2015 is about the same as in December, but the economic recovery is still fragile.


export value fractionally lower in 2014

Goods exports were 0.25 percent lower in the first ten months of 2014 than in the same period in 2013. Lower market prices were the main reason for this.


Robust growth exports in September

According to Statistics Netherlands, the volume of exports of goods was 6.2 percent up in September 2014 from September 2013. In the preceding month, exports grew by more than 1 percent. Higher...


Economic situation fairly stable over the past six months

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in October was about the same as in September.


Higher re-exports nudge up export figure

The volume of exports of goods was 1.2 percent up in August 2014 from August 2013, after a 4.1 percent improvement in July. According to Statistics Netherlands, the increase was caused by higher...


Exports down

The volume of exports of goods was 2.8 percent down in May 2014 from May 2013. A decline of this magnitude has not occurred in the past four and a half years. In the months prior to the decline in...


Modest growth for exports

The volume of exports of goods was 2.0 percent up in April 2014 from April 2013. The growth was slightly more substantial than in the preceding months, when the relatively mild weather conditions...


Economic growth 0.7 percent

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands, the Dutch economy grew 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter relative to the third quarter.
