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6 results for keyword:poultry
6 results for keyword:poultry

Slightly smaller pig herd, barely reduced cattle herd

In 2021, the pig herd in the Netherlands was slightly reduced year-on-year to almost 11.4 million.


Housing costs account for nearly 40 percent of expenditure lowest incomes

Housing costs make up the largest part of the household budget. In the lowest income categories, housing costs account for 39 percent of total household spending, but the share is smaller for higher...


Households annually spend 6 thousand euros on leisure activities

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, Dutch households annually spend 6 thousand euros on leisure activities, i.e. 18 percent of total household spending. They...


Ammonia emissions from animal housing still too high

Two-thirds of laying hens in the Netherlands were housed in so-called low-emission sheds in 2008. Most meat chickens, porkers, and sows were still housed in facilities where too much ammonia is...
