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growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years
Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...
Retail turnover 2 percent up
Dutch retailers booked 2.3 percent more turnover in January this year than in the same month last year.
Retail turnover growth 2.6 percent
Retail turnover rose by 2.6 percent in 2008 relative to 2007. Higher prices almost entirely accounted for the increase. Turnover volume improved marginally.
Turnover growth retail sector 1 percent
Retail turnover was 1.5 percent down in November relative to November 2007. The volume of turnover dropped by 4.1 percent, prices rose by 2.6 percent.
Retail turnover growth
In October 2008, retail turnover grew by 5.0 percent relative to the same month last year. The prices went up by 2.6 percent, volume by 2.4 percent.
Modest growth for retail turnover
Dutch retailers realised a modest increase in turnover in the third quarter of this year.
Slight growth for retail trade
Turnover for Dutch retailers was 1.3 percent up in August 2008 on twelve months previously. Prices rose by 2.5 percent, while the volume of sales was just over 1 percent smaller.
Higher retail turnover
In July 2008, retail turnover was 5.4 percent up on the same month last year.
Turnover growth retail slackening
Turnover growth in retail trade was 2.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008 relative to the same period last year. This is the lowest growth rate since the fourth quarter of 2005.
Robust growth retail turnover
In May 2008, retail turnover was 7.8 percent up on the same month one year previously. Food as well as non-food shops achieved better results.
Retail turnover up 3 percent
The Dutch retail sector realised 3.1 percent more turnover in April this year than in the same month last year. Prices rose by 2 percent. The volume of sales grew by just over 1 percent.
Retail turnover down
In March 2008, retail turnover decreased by 3.4 percent relative to the same period last year. For the first time in nearly 3 years, Dutch retailers faced declining sales.
Retail turnover up again
Dutch retail turnover was again higher in 2007 than in the preceding year. The growth rate was 3.7 percent.
Substantially more turnover for super markets
In October 2007 Dutch retail trade realised a turnover that was 6.2 percent higher than a year earlier.
Strong rise in retail sales
Dutch retailers realised 9.7 percent more turnover in August 2006 than in the same month last year.
Substantial rise for retail turnover
Dutch retailers realised 5.6 percent more turnover in January 2006 than in the same month last year.
Positive fourth quarter for retail trade
In the fourth quarter of 2005, retail turnover was 3.0 percent higher than in the last quarter of 2004. The non-food sector in particular performed well.
Highest retail turnover growth for three years
Dutch retailers realised 4.6 more turnover in November 2005 than in November 2004. This is the largest increase since October 2002. The volume of retail turnover was 5.2 percent larger than one year...
Retail turnover down again
In April 2005 turnover in retail trade was 3.5 percent down on April 2004. Retailers have suffered turnover losses for two years now.