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8 results for keyword:perception of security
8 results for keyword:perception of security

Distribution of well-being: safety

Recent data on distribution of well-being for the theme safety by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not distributed equally across all groups in the population.


Well-being here and now: safety

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Safety.


225 thousand victims of stalking in the Netherlands in 2023

Two percent of Dutch people aged 15 or older were victims of stalking in 2023: 137 thousand females and 90 thousand males.


Fewer Dutch people are feeling unsafe

Feelings of unsafety among Dutch people are declining progressively. In 2012, 37 percent indicated that they felt unsafe occasionally in general terms, versus 32 percent in 2019.


Drop in recorded and encountered crime

In 2017, 23% fewer crime victims than in 2012. Police recorded crime per inhabitant dropped by 30%.


Feelings of insecurity most widespread among residents of the four major cities

Residents of the four major cities in the Netherlands are least likely to feel safe in their own neighbourhood. City centres in particular make people feel uneasy.

