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Crude oil imports from Russia nearly 14 percent lower in value since March
Prompted by European sanctions against Russia, the Netherlands imported less crude oil from Russia in the last ten months of 2022 than in the same period of 2021. Imports from other oil-producing...
Goods imports down mainly due to less petroleum and gas
In the first eight months of 2020, Dutch goods imports amounted to over 275 billion euros.
Hydrogen balance in relation to energy statistics
This report describes the current production and consumption of hydrogen in the Netherlands, the future possibilities for production, transport and consumption and the relation with energy statistics.
Imports/exports; change of ownership; volume and price, changes; 1995-2018
Imports and exports of goods Index figures and changes
Producer Prices Index (PPI); output and import prices, 2010=100, 2005-2017
Price index numbers (excluding excise) and month and year development Market and product according to product nomenclature ProdCom
Manufacturing output prices below last year’s level
According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), confidence among Dutch manufacturers improved in March.
Manufacturing output prices again below last year's level
According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 4.1 percent lower in January 2016 than in January 2015. In December 2015 year-on-year prices...
Manufacturing output prices below last year's level
According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 5 percent down in December 2015 from December 2014. This time too, the crude oil price...
Manufacturing output prices below last year's level
According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 6.9 percent down in November 2015 from November 2014. In October this year, prices were 8.9...
Sustained growth Dutch exports
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of exports of goods was 3.7 percent up in October 2015 from October 2014. Growth was somewhat higher than in the preceding month, when exports...
Selling prices manufacturing industry further down
In July 2015, prices of Dutch manufactured products were 6.0 percent down from July 2014. In June, prices had been 5.4 percent below the level of twelve months previously.
Norway overtakes Russia as largest oil supplier
In 2008, the Russian Federation accounted for one third of Dutch crude oil imports. Six years later, the share had been reduced to one quarter. At the same time, crude oil exports from Norway to the...
Key indicators by company size in accordance with National Accounts totals, estimate 2013 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on key indicators by company size in accordance with National Accounts totals, estimate 2013. Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)
manufacturing turnover falls for third year in a row because of low oil prices
Manufacturing turnover in the Netherlands fell slightly in 2014: by 0.5 percent. This is the third consecutive year that manufacturing turnover has decreased. One of the causes of the decrease was...
Most raw materials imported from Europe
The Netherlands obtains 68 percent of its raw materials from elsewhere. Two thirds of the raw materials come from European countries.
Price increase manufacturing industry slows down
Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 2.1 percent higher in May 2012 than in May 2011. In April, prices of manufactured products increased by 2.6 percent relative to one year previously.
Exports growth slows down further
The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 2 percent in May from twelve months previously, the lowest exports growth rate in almost a year and a half.
Price drop manufactured products levels off
Factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 12.5 percent lower in August 2009 than in August 2008. The price drop was less substantial than in July, when prices of manufactured products...
No further slump factory gate prices manufacturing industry
Dutch manufactured products were nearly 14 percent cheaper in June 2009 than in June 2008. The price drop was virtually the same as in May. In June, factory gate prices were over 1 percent up on May...