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16 results for keyword:net migration
16 results for keyword:net migration

Bevolkingsontwikkeling; maand en jaar

Levend geboren kinderen, overledenen, immigratie, emigratie (inclusief administratieve correcties) , overige correcties, bevolkingsgroei


Population dynamics; month and year

Population dynamics Periods


Population Outlook 2050: more residents born outside the Netherlands

The number of people living in the Netherlands who were born elsewhere is very likely to increase between now and 2050.


Population Outlook 2050: an older and better educated population

The number of older people in the Netherlands will increase in the future, regardless of the scale of migration.


Caribbean Netherlands; population, births, deaths, migration

Population growth Caribbean Netherlands, population, births, deaths, migration


Caribbean Netherlands; population; sex, age, marital status

Population Caribbean Netherlands sex, age, marital status


Population growth slower in 2023

In 2023, the population of the Netherlands is estimated to have grown by 140 thousand to 17.9 million. This is a slower growth rate than in 2022, when 227 thousand people were added.


How many residents of the Netherlands have a non-Dutch background?

Answer tot the question how many residents of the Netherlands were born abroad?


Population growth almost doubled in 2022

The population of the Netherlands is estimated to have increased by almost 227 thousand last year, to over 17.8 million. The increase is almost double compared to 2021, when 115 thousand inhabitants...


Population; key figures

Population: key figures by sex, marital status, age, foreign background, households and population growth


Population; sex, age, generation and migration background, 1 January

Population in The Netherlands by sex, age, marital status generation (first / second) and migration background, 1 January


How many people immigrate to the Netherlands?

In 2021, 250,792 persons immigrated to the Netherlands. This was 29,939 more than the figure for 2020. In addition, 142,517 persons emigrated from the Netherlands, 9,977 less than one year earlier.


Population growth almost back to pre-pandemic level

The Dutch population grew by an estimated 118 thousand in 2021, to nearly 17.6 million. This is 50 thousand higher than in 2020. Immigration was up and emigration down. Mortality was at the same...


Key figures of the population forecasts 2020-2070

Forecast; population, births, deaths and migration with forecast intervals


Caribbean Dutch population up by over 800 in 2019

On 1 January 2020, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at nearly 26 thousand, i.e. 830 more than one year previously.


Population up by 15.5 thousand in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in the same quarter last year. 15.5 thousand inhabitants were added, i.e. 8.7 thousand down on Q1 2019.
