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12 results for keyword:neighbourhoods
12 results for keyword:neighbourhoods

Bonaire; Household income per neighbourhood, 2011-2022

Income of private households on Bonaire per neighbourhood, 2011 – 2022


Neighbourhood choice Statia and Saba differs per origin

People born in the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and migrants partly choose other residential areas in St Eustatius and Saba.


Explosive growth in use of CBS open data

More than 3.2 million CBS open data retrievals in the second quarter of 2018 alone


Positive about their homes, negative about their financial situation

The majority of adults in the Netherlands are satisfied with life in general. They are the most positive about the homes they live in, the least positive about their financial situation.


Residents positive about neighbourhood safety

On average, the Dutch evaluate the safety of their neighbourhood as quite satisfactory.


Increasing number of boomerang children

An increasing percentage of young adults return to live with their parents for a time after having left home. The main reasons for this increase in the number of ‘boomerang children’ are relationship...


What is synthetic data?

Synthetic data simulate characteristics of the relationships between people and objects (e.g. a school or a neighbourhood) so that a real-life situation can be reconstructed without identifying the...


Regional statistics

Dossier Regional statistics


Customised area delineation

Are you looking for figures about an area which falls outside of the default municipal, district or neighbourhood boundaries?


New socioeconomic status scores for districts and neighbourhoods

Newly developed socioeconomic status (SES) scores for districts and neighbourhoods in all municipalities in the Netherlands are available.
