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Relatively high budget for mental health care services
The Netherlands spends relatively more money on short-term admissions for mental and behaviourial disorders than other OECD countries. At hospitals (including GGZ institutions) expenditure on these...
Youth care in Borsele, 2012 and 2013 (Dutch only)
Custom-made table regarding the use of youth care and mental healthcare by 0-17 year-olds in the municipality of Borsele by postal code. Commissioned by: municipality of Borsele.
Youth care in Rotterdam, 2012 and 2013 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables regarding the use of youth care and mental healthcare by 0-17 year-olds in the municipality of Rotterdam by postal code and neighbourhood. Commissioned by: municipality of...
Average costs per capita covered by basic health care insurance 2,100 euro
The average costs per capita covered by the basic health care insurance policy were 2,100 euro in 2010. The average costs were higher for women than for men. More than half concerned costs for...
Sustained high growth health care expenditure
Last year, Dutch expenditure on health care and welfare amounted to 83.8 billion euro.
Expenditure on care 6.2 percent up
Last year, national spending on health care and welfare totalled 79 billion euro, a 6.2 percent increase on 2007.
Strong increase in mental health care
More and more people in the Netherlands are making use of mental health care. The volume of mental health care rose by an average 6.4 percent per year from 2000 to 2007.