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11 results for keyword:marriage registrations
11 results for keyword:marriage registrations

20 years of gay marriage in the Netherlands: 20 thousand couples

On 1 April 2021, it will be 20 years ago that the first same-sex marriage was concluded in the Netherlands.


Groom usually older than bride

In most marriages, the female half is younger than the male half. Marriages in which the husband is much younger are relatively rare.


Weddings on Valentine’s Day

More weddings on Valentine's Day than on other days in February, but the most popular wedding dates are in summer.


Fewer migration marriages

In 2011 one of the partners moved to the Netherlands to get married in over 8 percent of the marriages involving people with a foreign background. This is slightly less than in the two years before...


Divorcing men increasingly older

In 2011 the average age of divorcing men in the Netherlands was nearly 46 years at the time of divorce. In 1991 this was still only 40 years.


Number of registered partnerships grew further in 2010

Nearly 10 thousand partnerships were registered in 2010 versus more than 2 thousand in 2001. Since 2001, the number of registered partnerships has risen continually.


Few widow(er)s remarry

One in five people who marry nowadays have been married before.


Birth rate up for the first time since 2000

In the first nine months of this year, 140 thousand children were born, nearly 3 thousand more than in the same period last year.
