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11 results for keyword:knowledge-based economy
11 results for keyword:knowledge-based economy

Domestic R&D expenditure over €18 billion in 2020

In 2020, enterprises, institutions and the higher education sector in the Netherlands spent nearly 18.4 billion euros on research and development (R&D), using own and hired personnel.


Cooperating with scientists and policymakers to measure the economy

Globalisation and digitisation make it increasingly difficult to measure the economy.


CBS expert group to focus on how to measure the new economy

CBS expert group to focus on how to measure the new economy


R&D expenditure 4 percent up in 2018

In 2018, Dutch enterprises, institutions and the higher education sector spent around 16.7 billion euros on Research & Development (R&D), using own and hired personnel.


ICT sector growth above average

In the period 2011-2015, the Dutch ICT sector showed stronger growth than the overall economy.


Dutch entrepreneurs spend €7.7 billion on R&D

The Dutch private sector spent nearly 7.7 billion euros on R&D in 2015.


ICT, knowledge and the economy 2016, summary

This summary in English reviews the key facts from each chapter of the publication, item by item.


CBS explores SDGs: starting point for a public debate

Last 4 November, Statistics Netherlands published an exploratory report on the measurement of SDGs for the Netherlands


Young CBS talent wins innovation award

Close to 40 ideas were submitted for the innovation award. The jury selected four.


ICT, knowledge and economy 2015, summary

describes in brief how individuals and companies use ICT


ICT, knowledge and the economy 2011

ICT, knowledge and the economy is the combined continuation of the seriesThe digital economy and Knowledge and the economy published annually by Statistics Netherlands until last year.
