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Area used to grow greenhouse vegetables has increased in ten years
The area used to grow the four primary greenhouse vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines, was a total of 4.1 thousand hectares in 2023.
Horticultural exports down in April 2020
In April 2020, horticultural exports were 11 percent lower than in April 2019.
Nearly 30 thousand contract workers in agriculture
In 2019, the volume of labour deployed in the Dutch agricultural sector was equivalent to over 156 thousand full-time jobs (FTEs).
Lower farm income due to less dairy cattle, dry summer
Agricultural income per annual work unit has declined in 2018; by nearly 11 percent relative to 2017.
Upscaling of greenhouse vegetable production
The number of greenhouse vegetable growers decreased by 85 percent between 1980 and 2017.
Fewer growers produce more strawberries
The number of strawberry growers was reduced by nearly half between 2006 and 2017.
Agricultural production in the period 1950-2015
Over the period 1950-2015, the production value of Dutch agriculture increased more than tenfold.
The Netherlands earns billions in agro-sector exports
Agro-sector exports were valued at over 45 billion euros in 2014, earning almost 29 bn euros in revenues.
Export value agricultural products hits new record
In 2015 the value of agricultural exports amounted to 81.3 bn euros, the highest value ever.
Agriculture accounts for over half of trade surplus
The agricultural surplus ion the trade balance 26.1 bn euros versus 47.5 bn euros for all goods.
Information on occupations broken down by sector in 2013-2014 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on employees in 21 sectors by occupational category in 2013-2014 (two-year average). Commissioned by Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
Policy instruments used by 'top' industry sectors, 2011 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on the use of Innovation performance contracts (IPC) and Economic missions with Cabinet members by ‘top’ industry sectors in 2011. Commissioned by: Agentschap NL
Horticultural sector accounts for 125 thousand jobs
The horticultural sector accounted for 125 thousand jobs in 2010, i.e. 1.4 percent of total employment in the Netherlands. Horticultural enterprises accounted for 94 thousand jobs and suppliers for...
Sustained expansion built-up area
The Netherlands is still an agricultural country, if land use is taken into account.
More workers from Central and Eastern Europe
In March this year, there were 125 thousand nationals of EU member states in Central or Eastern Europe in the Netherlands, an increase by more than 20 percent relative to March last year; 37 thousand...
Strong increase in biological pest control in ornamental plant cultivation
Commercial growers of flowers and ornamental plants in the Netherlands are increasingly using biological pest control.
Dutch agriculture: increase in scale and lower incomes
The number of farms and horticultural businesses in the Netherlands decreased substantially in the period 1995-2009. Labour volume in this sector and agricultural income also fell.
New apple varieties increasingly popular
New apple varieties, such as Junami, Kanzi and Rubens have become increasingly popular in recent years. Over the past six years, the area where these varieties are grown has been expanded to 988...
More female farm successors
In 2008, more than 11 thousand farm successors were ready to take over an agricultural or horticultural holding; 8.5 percent of them were women, as against 6.8 percent in 2000.
Further fall in farm businesses
There were 73 thousand agricultural and horticultural enterprises in the Netherlands on 1 April 2009. This is 3 percent less than twelve months previously.
Increased application of CHP systems
In the period 1998-2008, the amount of electricity generated in the Netherlands increased from 92 to 108 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh). The increase is mainly generated in combined heat and power...
Significant increase generation of electricity in horticulture under glass
In the first three quarters of 2008, decentralised generation of electricity increased by 14 percent relative to the same period one year previously.