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7 results for keyword:energy tax
7 results for keyword:energy tax

Average energy prices for consumers

Average energy prices for consumers Natural gas, electricity


Energy bill 170 euros lower this year

Based on price levels in January 2020, this year’s average annual domestic energy bill for households will amount to 1,574 euros. This is 170 euros less than in January 2019, with consumption...


Households save 25 euro a month on energy bill

As from July, the average Dutch household pays 25 euro less on gas and electricity each month than in the first six months of 2009, mainly as a result of the lower gas price. The monthly energy bill...


Proceeds government-imposed taxes again higher

In 2007, government-imposed tax proceeds amounted to 133 billion euro, an increase by over 8 billion euro relative to one year ago. Government-imposed tax proceeds have shown a distinctly upward...
