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17 results for keyword:ecosystems
17 results for keyword:ecosystems

Statistical combination of different types of chlorofyll-a measurements in the Dutch North Sea

The report assesses the current method to combine chlorofyll-a measurements from different sources with special attention for the statistical weighting method. Based on the spatial and temporal...


SDG 15 Life on land

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...


SEEA-EA Ecosystem Condition Account 2012-2021

An overview of the development and improvement of the Dutch SEEA EA condition account. It delves into five indicators; tree cover density, urban green, dead wood, soil organic carbon, and artificial...


SEEA-EA Ecosystem Condition Account 2012-2021

An overview of the development and improvement of the Dutch SEEA EA condition account. It delves into five indicators; tree cover density, urban green, dead wood, soil organic carbon, and artificial...


SDG 15 Life on land

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land.


Biodiversity monitored extensively by CBS

Whereas the population of farmland birds in the Netherlands has declined, dragonfly distribution has increased.


SDG 15 Life on land

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...


Dutch Natural Capital Accounts 2013-2018

The Natural Capital Accounts (NKR) are a statistical framework, intended to map the relationship between nature, economy and human activities in a transparent and internationally comparable manner.


Natural capital accounts for the Dutch North Sea area

Exploring the possible setup and uses of natural capital accounts for the Dutch North Sea area.


Value of forest, heath and built-up areas mapped out

the quality of these ecosystems as well as their contribution to the economy and society


Ecosystem Unit map

The ecosystem unit map delineates ecosystem units in the Netherlands


Green growth in the Netherlands 2015

In the publication Green growth in the Netherlands 2015 ,Statistics Netherlands analyses and describes the state of the “green” economy in the Netherlands, based on 36 indicators, divided...


CO2 emissions down by 10 percent in the first quarter

CO2 emissions by the Dutch economy were 10.1 percent lower in the first quarter of 2014 than in the same quarter of 2013. Adjusted for the differences in the weather, CO2 emissions fell by just 0.4...


Dutch heathland: more purple, less yellow

Dutch heaths have been changing colour in recent years. Plants that colour heathland purple, such as heather, have been increasing, while grasses that give heathland a more yellow colour, such as...


Accounting for goods and for bads: Measuring environmental pressure in a national accounts framework

Dissertation on extensions and modifications of the System of National Accounts with the purpose of improving the representation of environmental-economic relationships in the system.


SDG 15 Life on land

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. SDG 15 concerns protection, restoration and sustainable management of all forms of life on land. Nature, wildlife and healthy...
