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3 results for keyword:downgrade
3 results for keyword:downgrade
Annually, 7 percent of pupils move down from class 3 havo to vmbo
Approximately 7 percent of pupils in class 3 havo (higher general secondary education) pupils move down to the vmbo (lower secondary general and vocational education).
Disregarding Cito advice often leads to switch to different level in second year
Nearly 13 percent of pupils who took the final primary education test (Cito test) in 2005 continue their education at a higher level in the so-called brugklas (which aims to bridge the gap between...
Children from one-parent families more likely to switch to lower school type
Eleven percent of pupils in the first year of one of the vocational tracks of preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo) who did not repeat a year had advanced to a higher type of education...