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Share of teleworking employees growing
Over the past years, the share of employees working from home has risen to nearly one in three in 2012. Half of employees could take leave whenever they wanted and more than one in five could set...
Amount saved in life course schemes exceeds 5 billion euros
The total amount outstanding in life course savings schemes exceeded 5 billion euros is in 2012. Deposits are lower than last year, withdrawals used to finance a period of unpaid leave are higher...
Parental leave most popular among mothers with high education and a full-time job
Some 264 thousand workers in the Netherlands were entitled to parental leave in 2009. Only 79 thousand actually took this leave.
Most employees do not take leave to care for a sick relative
Nearly one in six employees in the Netherlands who care for a relative suffering from a long-term illness or disability took leave to do so last year. Workers who care for a partner or child more...
Fewer employees take parental leave
Fewer employees took parental leave in 2008 than in previous years, but the average leave period increased.
Working voluntary carers take more time off
The number of people who had a job wile also providing voluntary care for a sick relative was about the same in 2007 as in 2005. Employees did take more time off to provide this care in 2007. The use...
Employees put less aside in life course schemes
Employees in the Netherlands saved 840 million euro in life course savings and insurance schemes in 2007. This is 70 million euro less than in 2006.