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7 results for keyword:corporate social responsibility
7 results for keyword:corporate social responsibility

SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9.2 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. The second part of SDG 9 focuses on strengthening businesses and making them more...


Heat maps with income level of men and women

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is studying new types of visualisations to present complex data at a glance.


Social tensions indicator: Gauging society

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has previously published articles about the development of the social tensions indicator based on social media posts.


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. SDG 9.2 aims to strengthen businesses and make them more sustainable, and to...


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. SDG 9.2 aims to strengthen businesses and make them more sustainable, and to...
