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Income in 2014 of tertiary graduates who graduated in 2010/'11. (Dutch only)
Income in 2014 of tertiary graduates who graduated in 2010/2011. Commissioned by: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW).
The years of birth of students and their parents, 2003/'04 tot en met 2014/'15 (Dutch only)
Custom made-tables on the years of birth and origin of students and their parents. Commissioned by: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.
Employment situation and income of graduates from intermediate vocational education (mbo), higher professional education (hbo) and university (wo) in school year 2005/'06 (Dutch only)
Custom-made tables on the employment situation and income in 2007 and 2011 of graduates from intermediate vocational education (mbo), higher professional education (hbo) and university (wo) in school...
One in five schools have fewer than 100 pupils
In 2011/’12, there were nearly 7 thousand primary schools establishments in the Netherlands. One in five had fewer than 100 pupils. The number of small primary schools has grown somewhat in recent...
Associate-degree programme attracts mainly mbo graduates
Many first year students in higher professional education (hbo) in the Netherlands in 2012/’11 who opted for the shorter two-year programme are graduates from senior secondary vocational education...
Business administration and management most popular higher education disciplines
These are a few of the main conclusions of the annual education report Jaarboek onderwijs in cijfers 2012.
Concurrence of services and income 2009 (follow-up study, Dutch only)
Follow-up study on individuals with multiple services and benefits at the same time in the domains of care and income in 2009. In this study, data on the WMO (Law on social support) have been...
Steady increase in pupils attending special schools
In school year 2010/’11 nearly 69 thousand pupils went to special schools, compared to 54 thousand in school year 2003/’04.
Three-quarters of school drop-outs find a job eventually
Fewer early school-leavers find a job in the long run than school-leavers with a basic qualification.
Care education more popular than ever
In school year 2008/’09, the number of students in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) who successfully completed courses in nursing and care disciplines, and courses training for...
Substantial part of school drop-outs return to school after period of non-attendance
In school year 2009/’10, approximately 30 percent of pupils who had left school prematurely in 2004/’05 had returned to school or otherwise obtained a basic qualification.
Share of cultural minority students in secondary school, school year 2008/09 (Dutch only)
The Centre for Policy Related Statistics was commissioned by the Nethelands Institue for Social Research to specify the share of cultural minority students in secondary school for school year...
Senior secondary vocational education school-leavers in 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 (Dutch only)
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science asked the Centre for Policy Related Statistics to compute tables on pupils aged 12-22 years who left senior secondary vocational education in...
From self-employes to employed
This article shows the results of a study of self-employed workers who made the switch tobecome paid employees. This study was a follow-up to a study on employees who startedup their own business and...
Many German students in Dutch higher education
In 2008/’09, nearly 45 thousand foreign students were enrolled at Dutch vocational colleges and universities, a 28 percent growth compared to 2005/’06. The majority of them are German (42 percent).
Over 70 thousand refugees in the Netherlands
On 1 January 2008 there were over 70 thousand refugees living in the Netherlands.
Household consumption down
Dutch household spending on goods and services was 3.5 percent lower in August 2009 than in August 2008.
Strong increase in mental health care
More and more people in the Netherlands are making use of mental health care. The volume of mental health care rose by an average 6.4 percent per year from 2000 to 2007.
Culture and society no longer most popular subject cluster among havo-4 girls
In 2007/’08, far fewer havo-4 girls (38 percent) opted for the Culture and society profile than in the preceding school years (more than 50 percent). The Economics and society profile is now...
Surplus of 2.3 billion euro for municipalities
Dutch municipalities added 2.3 billion euro to their net assets in 2006. This is over 1.1 billion more than in 2005, when they had a surplus of 1.2 billion euro.