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80 results for keyword:CO2
80 results for keyword:CO2

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Environmental impact of tourism sector remains high

Between 2015 and 2022, the tourism sector contributed an average of 4 percent to the value added of the Dutch economy.


Decrease in greenhouse gas emissions levelled off in 2024

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 1.6 percent lower in 2024 than in 2023.


Emissions of greenhouse gases according to IPCC guide-lines, quarter

Emissions of greenhouse gases, IPCC Climate sector, quarter


Emissions to air by the Dutch economy; national accounts

emissions to air, climate change, greenhouse gases, CO2, ozone layer air pollution, acidification, environmental accounts,


Greenhouse gas emissions remained virtually the same in Q3 2024

Greenhouse gas emissions remained approximately at the same level in Q3 2024 as in Q3 2023.


CO2 emissions from households more heavily taxed than from businesses

In 2023, the average carbon tax rate in the Netherlands was 88 euros per tonne of CO2 emitted.


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q2 2024

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower in Q2 2024 than in Q21 2023. This was mainly due to a fall in emissions of the electricity and moblity sector.


SDG 13 Climate action

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate action. SDG 13 aims to tackle climate change caused by humans. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries committed to restricting global...


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2024

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower in Q1 2024 than in Q1 2023. This was mainly due to a fall in emissions of 17 percent in the electricity sector.


Greenhouse gas emissions 6 percent lower in 2023

In 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 6 percent lower than in 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q3 2023

In Q3 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 9 percent lower than in Q3 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


Material efficiency not enough to reduce CO2 emissions

The Dutch economy's carbon emissions increased over the entire period between 1970 and 2020.


Greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent lower in Q2 2023

In Q2 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 5 percent lower than in Q2 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the electricity sector.


SDG 13 Climate action

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate Action. SDG 13 aims to tackle climate change caused by humans.


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2023

In Q1 2023, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower than in Q1 2022. This was mainly due to lower emissions from the built environment and manufacturing.


SDG 13 Climate action

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 Climate Action. SDG 13 aims to tackle climate change caused by humans. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries agreed to restrict global warming...


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in 2022

In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 9 percent lower than in 2021. This was mainly due to lower natural gas consumption in manufacturing, the built environment and agriculture


Emissions of greenhouse gases according to IPCC guide-lines

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions, calculated according to the IPCC directives, by source category


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q3 2022

In Q3 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 4 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


Greenhouse gas emissions 9 percent lower in Q2 2022

In Q2 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 9 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


Emissions to air; greenhouse gases and air pollutants

Determining Dutch emissions to the air, both greenhouse gases and air pollutants, broken down into stationary and mobile sources, and in accordance with international regulations.


Greenhouse gas emissions 11 percent lower in Q1 2022

In Q1 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 11 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down by a quarter.


Greenhouse gas emissions 2.1 percent higher in 2021

In 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year increase of 2.1 percent. This means that the sharp reduction of emissions in 2020 did not continue.


Urgenda reduction target for GHG emissions achieved in 2020

In 2020, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Netherlands were 25.5 percent below the level of 1990.


Greenhouse gas emissions lower in Q3 2021

IIn Q3 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 3 percent. The decrease is mainly due to lower electricity production.
