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2648 results for traffic and transport
2648 results for traffic and transport

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Dutch government spends more on prisons and judicial procedures

Dutch government spending on public order and security amounted to 11.3 billion euro in 2007. This is 6 percent more than in 2006.


Bonaire inflation slightly down, substantial drop on St Eustatius and Saba

Inflation on Bonaire was 2.5 percent in the first quarter of 2013, slightly down on the fourth quarter of 2012. On St Eustatius, inflation was 3.9 percent in the first quarter, on Saba it was 1.2...


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Confidence among manufacturers improves further.


Growing optimism among Dutch manufacturers

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers improved further, reaching the highest level in 5 years.


Trade with Iran picked up before embargo ended

The value of Dutch exports of goods to Iran exceeded 450 million euros in 2015, an increase by 21 percent within twelve months. Exporters were faced with trade restrictions in recent years. As a...


Contribution final expenditure to volume growth of GDP; NA, 1995-2016

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


Inflation on Dutch Caribbean islands further down

The inflation rate on the Dutch Caribbean islands was substantially lower in the second quarter of 2012 than in the first quarter.


Job numbers plummet

In the third quarter of 2009 there were 140 thousand jobs of employees less than in the third quarter of 2008. This is the biggest drop in over 25 years.


Loss of jobs substantial

In the second quarter of this year, the number of jobs of employees declined by 72 thousand relative to the second quarter of 2008.


Dutch economic growth reaches 2.1 percent

The Dutch economy grew by 2.1 percent in the second quarter of 2010 relative to the same quarter in 2009.


Two-thirds of summer holidays booked online

In the summer period of 2017, three out of four Dutch people (12.7 million) went on holiday one or more times. Nearly nine in ten holidays were spent in Europe, with Germany being the favourite...


Foreign companies create nearly 1.4 million jobs

Foreign-owned multinationals and their suppliers created around 1.4 m full-time jobs in 2014.


Manufacturers less confident in May

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 6.1 in May, down from 8.3 in April.


Exports down

The volume of exports of goods was 3.1 percent down in May 2014 from May 2013. This is the largest decrease in the last four and a half years. In the months prior to the decrease in May, exports had...


Modest growth for exports

The volume of exports of goods was 1.2 percent up in April 2014 from April 2013. In the first months of 2014, the foreign demand for natural gas was considerably lower than twelve months previously,...


Imports and exports 10 percent up in 2004

In 2004 the value of imported and exported goods was 10 percent up on 2003. The value of imports reached 228.0 billion euro, exports 257.8 billion euro. The effect of slightly higher import and...


Randstad region and central part of the Netherlands attract many job seekers

In 2013, nearly 850 thousand people were less than one year active in their current job. Nearly a quarter of a million of these people were working outside their region of residence.


Marginal economic growth

Tthe economic growth in the second quarter of 2012 was 0.2 percent relative to the first quarter, but economic growth was 0.5 percent down compared to the second quarter of 2011.


Minimal growth for Dutch economy

The Dutch economic growth in the first quarter of 2010 at 0.1 percent compared with the same quarter last year.
