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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Manufacturing prices falling more rapidly

Output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 7.4 percent down in March


Lower year-on-year selling prices in manufacturing

In March 2015, selling prices of Dutch manufactured products were down 6.9 percent on March 2014. In February 2015 prices were 8.8 percent lower than twelve months before.


Bank savings schemes more popular

The aggregate amount deposited in bank savings accounts by Dutch households exceeded 2.4 billion euro at the end of 2009, approximately a fourfold increase relative to twelve months ago.


Marine and coastal fisheries, fish prices 1994-2015

Auction price fresh fish Species and period


Manufacturing output higher in December

After correction for the working day pattern, output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.4 percent higher in December 2005 than in the previous year.


Manufacturing output marginally up in October from last year

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.4 percent higher in October 2014 than in October 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, output growth was curbed by a...


More and more Dutch holidaying in Germany

Dutch holidaymakers have been increasingly travelling to Germany in recent years. Sauerland and the Eifel region are particularly popular holiday destinations.


Mood among manufacturers improving further

In April 2010, Dutch manufacturers were less pessimistic than in March 2010. The producer confidence index rose from -3.1 to -1.4, the highest level in eighteen months.


Manufacturing turnover up, output down

Turnover in the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher in May 2005 than in the same month last year. Compared with May last year it was 8 percent higher.


Value of imports and exports up in March

The Netherlands traded more goods with other countries in March 2005 than in the same month last year. The value of exports was 24.1 billion euro, 6 percent up on last year. Imports were 5 percent...


Good start for exports in 2010

The volume of goods exports was nearly 10 percent larger in January than twelve months previously. In December, the volume of exports was only 2 percent up. It should be taken into account that the...


Tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands down in 2017

In 2017, inbound tourism on Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba declined by 5, 5 and 9 percent respectively.


Manufacturers again less confident

Dutch manufacturers were again less confident.


Total amount deposited in life-course savings schemes stable, more withdrawals

Employees saved 893 million euro in life-course savings accounts last year, approximately the same amount as in 2009. Withdrawals amounted to 233 million euro, an increase by 45 percent relative to...


Unemployment down

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), seasonally adjusted unemployment was reduced by 21 thousand to 653 thousand in November 2013, i.e. 8.2 percent in the...


Six in every ten companies allow teleworking

Last year, 59 percent of companies employing 10 at least 10 persons allowed teleworking. The sectors financial services and ICT promote large-scale teleworking.


Unemployment creeping up

According to the most recent figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment rose marginally in March 2012 to 465 thousand, i.e. 5.9 percent of the labour force.
