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12350 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12350 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Goods imports down mainly due to less petroleum and gas

In the first eight months of 2020, Dutch goods imports amounted to over 275 billion euros.


Avocado imports up by 19 percent in 2020

More and more, the Netherlands has developed into a gateway to Europe for avocados from around the world.


Baby boom generation accounts for rapid growth AOW benefits

By the end of April this year, 2.9 million benefits were granted in the Netherlands under the General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW), an increase by nearly 14 thousand relative to March 2011.


EU webshops generate €455 million in the Netherlands

In Q2 2018, Dutch consumers purchased around 455 million euros (excl. VAT) worth of products from foreign EU webshops. This represents an increase of 18 percent relative to Q2 2017.


Transactions with the rest of the world

Systematic list of all economic transactions in a given period between non-residents and residents of the Netherlands as seen from the national accounts framework.


Nationalities of detained suspects in 2008, 2010 and 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables regarding non-Dutch nationals detained on suspicion of having committed a crime broken down by nationality and type of crime in 2008, 2010 and 2012. Results are available on...


Is there a coronavirus baby boom?

Based on the first nine months of this year, the number of first-born children per thousand women aged 15-49 is estimated at slightly under 22, against slightly over 20 first-born children in this...


Trends in the Netherlands 2019

Publication Trends in the Netherlands 2019


Most EU targets not yet achieved by the Netherlands

percentage of people who have successfully completed tertiary-level education


Custom-made table on the development in the number of employees at institutions in the basic infrastructure for culture (BIS) and at national culture funds (2010-2013). (Dutch only)

Custom-made table on the development in the number of employees at institutions in the basic infrastructure for culture (BIS) and at national culture funds (2010-2013). The tables also contain...


Concert attendance higher than ever

Classical and pop concerts at performing arts venues across the Netherlands attracted a total audience of nearly 9.7 million in 2018.


Manufacturing output prices over 5 percent down in September

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 5.3 percent down in September 2020 year-on-year.


Population up by 15.5 thousand in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in the same quarter last year. 15.5 thousand inhabitants were added, i.e. 8.7 thousand down on Q1 2019.


NEV 2015: Energy in the Netherlands at a tipping point

NEV 2015: Energy supplies in the Netherlands have reached a tipping point.


Public support for restrictions on dual nationality

Over 60 percent in the Dutch over-18 population oppose the concept of dual nationality, in particular lower educated and over-45s. Three in every five people in the Dutch population aged 18 years and...


National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.


Correlations between (inter)national standard classifications

This diagram shows the correlations between international standard classifications of economic activities, international product classifications and the national Standard Industrial Classification...


Foreign travellers spent 17 billion euros in 2019

In 2019, foreign tourists and business travellers spent over 17 billion euros on goods and services during their stay in or visit to the Netherlands.


Exports down by over 2 percent in August

In August 2020, the total volume of goods exports shrank by 2.3 percent year-on-year.


Increase in unemployment benefits and national assistance, decrease in labour disablement benefits

The number of unemployment benefits (WW) increased in the fourth quarter of 2003 to a total of 287 thousand at the end of 2003. Unemployment benefits increased by an average of 6 thousand a month...


Commercial property price index available now

Commercial property price index available now


Port throughput slumped in first half of 2020

In the first six months of 2020, the volume of transhipments at Dutch seaports declined by nearly 10 percent relative to the same period last year.


More inbound fruit shipments in first half of 2020

In the first six months of 2020, reefer cargo shipments were 2.8 percent up in volume relative to one year previously.


Young people in a Euopean perspective (National Youth Monitor, Quarterly report 2009-2)

This Quarterly Report of the National Youth Monitor for the second quarter of 2009 places Dutch youngsters in a European perspective.
