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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Second estimate third quarter 2013: economic growth 0.2 percent

The economic growth rate in the Netherlands over the third quarter of 2013 was 0.2 percent relative to the second quarter.


Consumer confidence remains unchanged

Dutch consumer confidence, corrected for seasonal influences, reached -21 in March 2005. This is virtually the same as in February. The slight rise of the previous two months did not continue in...


Optimism still prevailing among Dutch consumers

The Dutch consumer confidence indicator stands at 12, just as it did in October.


Investments further up, mainly in residential property

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) announced that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 12.1 percent in September 2015 relative to September 2014. The increase is again mainly due to...


More internet fraud, less skimming

The number of victims of online shopping fraud has risen last year relative to 2012. The number of bank, cash and credit card skimming crimes declined. Few victims of this type of criminal offence...


Water tax proceeds marginally up again

In 2008, water board authorities estimate to receive more than 2 billion euro in taxes, an increase by 2.2 percent relative to one year previously.


Manufacturers in high spirits

Optimism among producers in manufacturing industry continued to rise in July. The last time they were so confident about future prospects was in 1985.


Job vacancies stable at high level

After correction for seasonal effects, figures released today put the number of job vacancies in the first quarter of 2006 at 172 thousand.


Consumer confidence continues to fall

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated further in February. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the consumer confidence indicator fell by 5 points to - 1. For the first time in almost a...


Dutch consumers gain confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers improved substantially in January, because consumers were much more optimistic about the economic climate. The consumer confidence index rose 6 points and stood at -8....


Diesel fuel consumption dramatically down

For the fourth quarter running, diesel sales slumped in the second quarter of 2009 relative to the same period one year previously. A downturn of this magnitude only occurred once in the past.


Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years

Highest point consumer confidence in almost 10 years


Record number of T-shirts entering the Netherlands

During the first eight months of 2018, the Netherlands imported 213 million T-shirts, singlets and other vests of cotton. This is the largest quantity ever recorded and approximately 2.5 times more...
