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Rapid increase internet usage among older people
The share of 65 to 75-year-olds in the Netherlands active on the internet has more than doubled since 2005. Internet usage in the Netherlands in this age category is among the highest in the EU.
Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom
Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands
Pleasant workplace atmosphere important
Nearly all employees indicated in 2012 that a pleasant workplace atmosphere is important to them. For three quarters of employees a pleasant workplace atmosphere is essential. Nearly all employees...
Residential construction; stock, changes and progress, region, 1988 - 2011
Number of accommodations, dwelling stock, newly built houses and other changes, by region (province, COROP area and municipality)
Local units by municipalities, 2006-2010
Number of local units Economic activity (SIC 2008) and municipalities
Dutch have not improved their lifestyle
Dutch people did not lead a more healthy lifestyle in 2006. The percentage of Dutch adults who were overweight continued to rise.
More people adopt healthier lifestyle
In recent years, the Dutch have adopted a more healthy lifestyle. The percentage of smokers and heavy drinkers has marginally declined.
Dutch lead a slightly more healthy life
The percentage of overweight Dutch adults fell for the first time in years in 2005, among both men and women.